What will happen when Russia cuts european gas in September??

What will happen when Russia cuts european gas in September??

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Apparently not much because it's Zelensky telling the G7 and not vice versa.
Summer has only just started, are you really going to be posting this 10 times a day for half a year.

Relentless, obvious, talentless shill

I laugh at gassoids in my wood stove heated home
captcha OGMAX

>apparently not mu-ACK

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I'd gladly use more excuses to wear my favorite jacket


Eurocucks, especially Germs will suffer, which is good.

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Oh no 4% of our gas supply

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Russia Ukraine war is a genius plot made by Putin and Biden to perma cripple EU, and it's working.

Putin-sama should cut it now in retaliation of the lithuanian blockade.

The cold is good for you.

>Mexicans think people freeze to death at 5°
Why can't brownpipo handle coldness ?

>Lithuanian Empire topples down Russian Imperium again.

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Please be honest, have you been officially classified as mentally challenged?

I know your natural instinct to surrender is triggered but please keep it to yourself.


You are the ones living in 25c homes at winter

I'm beginning to think thirdies have no idea what life is like here

Good. I hope the people here freeze.

Didn’t he say it was gonna end in a month with them winning.

I thought they said it was supposed to get cut off in July?