How long till Taliban regime is recognized as the government of Afghanistan by most countries?

How long till Taliban regime is recognized as the government of Afghanistan by most countries?

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two weeks

Never. They'll never recognize Russian annexation of Crimea either. Just acknowledging reality is not politically correct anymore.

>about 10 countries have "accepted" Taliban diplomats, including China, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan

Bruh why does the IEA have American font and style? Literally looks like a press release from the White House but the symbols changed.

I hate Talichuds but recognizing them is the only practical and humanitarian option. Moreover, for all “war of terror” type people, the Taliban is literally fighting an even more extreme insurgency, ISIS-K, which consists of jihadists from all over the world (mostly ex-USSR).

Or just Balkanize this shithole country. It’s truly over for Afghancels.

I like how their seal looks distinctly American

There is some news I recently heard, that our government plans to give military training to Taliban soldiers like it used to do for the soldiers of older Afghan army. This will help Taliban to turn its guerrilla army into a regular standing army.

Pakichuds… we lost….our strategic depth plan failed..

Wtf is this lmao

I thought India hated muslims wtf

ISIS Khorasan (chud word for Afghanistan and East Iran)

Consists of seething Talibans who are ideologically driven or unpaid, and lots of extremists from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Chechnya etc.

It makes sense for our government. Even Taliban doesn't recognize the Durand line with Pakistan and wants back all the Pashtun areas under Pakistan. So, the enemy of my enemy thing still applies. Although Pakistan is trying to sabotage this growing India-Taliban relation. Pakistan have been accused of supporting the ISIS in the region.

holy shit the middle east is a cluster fuck
would they ally against Americans or Jews or do they hate each other more

Not as long as they are outside of our borders. We only have true hatred of Pakistan and Paki supporters inside India.

you faggot
not recognizing an occupied territory as legitimate has been a thing since forever and has nothing to do with pc or whatnot

within 10 years everyone will be back except the US b3cause theyre spiteful like that
look how long it took them to normalize relations with Vietnam. They supported Pol Pot as the head of state a decade after Cambodias liberation by Vietnam when he was hiding in a jungle

I’m trying to find a video of twitter from approximately two year ago. It was about 20 captured ISIS-K soldiers by the Taliban and they were forced to say where they were from, it was funny as fuck. Back then there were literally no Afghans. I distinctly remember Uzbeks, Tajiks, Indonesians, Chechens etc.

The US literally negotiated the deal with the taliban and not with the former afghan government over its withdrawl from afghanistan. How can it then turn around and say it doesnt recognise it? These things are so stupid, your beliefs qbout the world just gets more and more distant from reality as things happen that you don't like and you refuse to accept it. Pretending like crimea is still part of ukraine isnt going to maie it happen. Denying the taliban rules afghanistan is just going to hurt us because all rhose millions of afghans are just going yo migrate to europe and destabalize the region around them if the taliban government fails.

The weste considered the Baltics occupied during the soviet era
Fuck why couldnt we do the same when we got rid off commies.

Look at this, pretty sure this ISIS-K guy is Chechen. Too white to be Afghan

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