Are garloids legal in your country?

Are garloids legal in your country?
>only in 34 states

Attached: garloid.jpg (460x522, 26.25K)

We smuggle them from libya

No but my dick is legal in your moms ass

and the libyans smuggle you

illegal everywhere but quebec. those lucky french fucks get everything but a sense of decency it seems.

Wtf?? It's legal everywhere here

legal to grow your own but not import, check out my farm

Attached: 1636294862549.webm (406x720, 2.68M)

what the FUCK is that?

Attached: chris.png (381x343, 131.17K)

I got a sweet deal on my dragon

garloids are illegal in Peru because the farmer unions are just too powerful and don't want any competition for their cowmilk industry
I hope one day people understand the benefits of a garloid milk diet


serious question, what the fuck are those?

Meh I think the market for dragons is going to crash pretty soon. I think it's safer to go for other cultivars like the himalayan pink.

a garloid. some people keep them as pets but they are also delicious
you need a permit to grow them there

I'm in a legal state but there's an epidemic of blood feeding here because state laws are too lax, leading to nothing but really aggressive offspring.

a garloid

There is NO such thing as a garloid, OP'S PICTURE IS A PIG STOMACH

>he doesn't know what a garloid is in 2022
I didn't realize things were that bad in Puerto Rico

Serious answer
Those are a certain type of polyps (those things you see in coral reefs), and in the video is an upside ship where some of them manage to grow.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-27 at 03-39-31 coral-polyps-11159976.jpg (JPEG Image 1300 × 1065 pixels) — Scaled (89%).png (1165x873, 2.07M)

it's a young garloid

Thank you, barnacles and shit are gross, but the polyps that grow on reefs are nice at least