Do arabs feel inferior to levantines/north africans...

Do arabs feel inferior to levantines/north africans ? I've heard some arabs saying they are sad they don't have any monuments or refined culture how true is that ?

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>Do arabs feel inferior to levantines/north africans?
I thought it was the other way around

come on be realistic

It is

how is this possible since arabs have less heritage than levantines and north africans ?

>muh heritage
Arabs raped them, end of story
Literally who cares about heritage

>I've heard some arabs saying they are sad they don't have any monuments or refined culture how true is that ?
no, we don't think there is anything wrong with our culture and regarding monuments Ibn al-Khatib the Granadan poet a politician he lived in the most "monumental" Andalusian city and his poems are written on the alhambra walls has a saying
>"العربُ لم تفتخر قطُّ بذهب يُجمع، ولا ذُخر يُرْفع، ولا قصر يبنى، ولا غرس يجنى. إنما فخرها عدو يُغلب، وثناءٌ يُجلب، وجُزُر تنحر، وحديث يُذكر، وجود على الفاقة، وسماحة بحسب الطاقة.."
the Arabs have never boasted about treasuring gold or building castles rather their pride is defeating an enemy, receiving complements, and slaughtering sheep(metaphor for hospitality)

so german barbarians were at the same level as romans ?

there was no arab in andalus :

>Furthermore, the early muslim chronicles of the conquests (not of al-Andalus, but in general) make it eminently clear that the true Arabs were opposed to travelling beyond the boundaries of their homeland, and had little interest in settling such far-away places as Iraq and Syria, much less Spain."

What did saudi arabia produce these last centuries ? Also arabs never defeated berbers in 740 they were expelled from Morocco and algeria :

>In 739 some of the Berbers in North Africa, many of whom had become not only committed but also fundamentalist Muslims, rebelled against what they saw as oppressive Arab domination, which denied them the equality of status that should have been theirs as fellow believers. Initially the revolt was highly successful, and an army was sent from Syria to Ifriqiya to help suppress it. This force, composed of Qaysiyya units, was defeated by the rebels and its commander, Kulthiim, was killed. The survivors took refuge in Ceuta under his deputy Balj ibn Bishr, and then persuaded the governor of Al-Andalus, 'Abd aI-Malik ibn Qatan to permit them to cross into Spain. "

Later banu hilal got defeated again :

>"In 1161, the Beni Hilal, once again in revolt, were crushed near Kairouan in a battle against the army of the Almohad sultan Abd al-moumin. A thousand people from each Jochem tribe were then forced to provide contingents for the wars in Spain. The Beni Hilal were thus massively displaced towards the western coasts to be enrolled in the holy war in Andalusia, as were the successive sovereigns. [But it is especially after the battle of Gabes in 1187, fought by the Almohad sultan Yaaqoub al-Mansour against the Bedouins and their ally of the Almoravid clan Ali Ghania, that the Bedouin tribes were deported in large numbers to Morocco.

What so important about monuments? Would your european ancestor survived in geography which basically Mars with oxygen?

>what's so important about being part of an advanced and civilized society

>there was no arab in andalus :
there wasn't a majority, but their certainly was a significant number of Arabs in Al-Andalus at least the governers such as Al-Hurr ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Thaqafi he is from thaqif a tribe from Al-taif, saudi arabia, Uqba ibn al-Hajjaj al-Saluli from Bisha, saudi arabia. later there were also a battle between arab tribes (battle of secunda) and of course the umayyad family. and many other andalusian personalities. Yaḥyā ibn Ḥakam al-Bakrī From banu bakr. Tammam ibn Alkama al-Wazir who is also from thaqif

why do all the subhuman colonzied nations keep trying to get back at us and have a strong hatred towards us despite them getting raped by more viscous people evil people and they never try to seek revenge to them

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Entire Berber mulatto race was conquered by Arabs like Abdallah ibn Sa'd, Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, and Hassan ibn al-Nu'man. There were millions of Berber women taken as concubines for Arab men while Berber men. This is way worse than how Europeans colonized them.

Yes, specifically the subhuman colonized nation of... Belgium?

read his posts
>Also arabs never defeated berbers
the mentally defecient nafroid couldnt help but out himself

Yes, even superior.
>muh piling rocks muh monument


most of them were berbers as pointed by scholars :

>"More soundly based than Guichard's conclusions are the insightful observations of Glick. As he remarks, "arabization of the Berbers during this period must be carefully qualified", noting that "many Berbers falsified their genealogies, adopting Arab tribal names in order to dissemble their true ethnic identity." This is correct, and no less true of so-called "Arabs" than of Berbers in al-Andalus. Not only were they concerned with hiding their true origins, but also by claiming association with one of the elite tribes of early Islam, a definite social and religious status could be automatically achieved; all a part of the much-discussed "Arabiyya" (arabization) propaganda (tough too few authors have recognized this aspect of the problem).

Also the conquest of al andalus was done by berbers :

>"Again Mawalis played a major role in the conquest; all four of the main commanders - Tarif Ibn Malluk, Tariq Ibn Ziyad, Mughith the Freedman and Musa Ibn Nusayr - were probably mawalis, as were many of their elite cavalry units. One tradition mentions seven hundred Africans in Musa Ibn Nusayr's army, but the bulk of invading armies were of barely converted Berber tribesmen plus the existing Umayyad garrisons from North Africa. Pagan Berbers and Jewish warriors also took part, though whether the latter included jews from the Iberian peninsula is unknown. Ex-Visigothic troops seemingly supported the conquerors in raids north of the Pyrenees against their ancient rivals the Franks"

>the mentally defecient nafroid couldnt help but out himself
I'm not nafri lol just posting historical facts since I see many arabs claim levantine or berber achievements

>european ancestor

He's nafri

Why would that be the case? Other than maybe the oil money.

holy fuck you fucking retard he literally named historic characters who have their arab tribes IN THEIR NAMES
how can they be berber you subhuman shit
arabs NEVER claimed other people's "achievments"
its the OTHER people who want to be arab SO BAD

>most of them were berbers as pointed by scholars :
I don't think that is true, the governors were appointed or at least approved by the caliph who will not false claim like this pass. and why would Berbers who falsified their genealogies take it so serious and go to war with each other because of a pre-Islamic Arabian feud?

No, i live in a half levantine half pure arab bull country, and the arab bulls reign supreme, levantine sissies are always seething online but IRL they kneel and kiss the ring.

What is curious about nafris is that their entire history goes like this:
>Be raped by phoenicians
>be raped by romans
>be raped by arabs
>be raped by euros

Romans even gave them the name of berbers which is literally barbar(ian)
Weird cavemen indeed.

>holy fuck you fucking retard he literally named historic characters who have their arab tribes IN THEIR NAMES
can't you read idiot :

>As he remarks, "arabization of the Berbers during this period must be carefully qualified", noting that "many Berbers falsified their genealogies, adopting Arab tribal names in order to dissemble their true ethnic identity.

>its the OTHER people who want to be arab SO BAD
that doesn't make sense why would they be arab ? Arabs are bedouins who live in tents and barely have any history, heritage, etc so why would people be arab ?

>and then persuaded the governor of Al-Andalus, 'Abd aI-Malik ibn Qatan to permit them to cross into Spain.
why would the "berber who falsified his geneology" governor of Andalus allow the arab army who came to kill berbers into alandalus?

they falsified they genealogies to legitimate their power they didn't care about other berbers since berbers are tribal people like arabs.

Also the borders were secured thanks to berber soldiers and the caliph had no authority there :

>"Berbers played an important role in defending the marches against Christian incursions, with the result that the amirs often granted iqta' land (which gave the holder usufruct from land in exchange for military service) to Berber families. In the tenth century, 'Abd al-Rahman III made heavy use of Berber military allies. He also appointed Berbers to important administrative positions; he made Muhammad ibn 'abd allah ibn 'abi Isa, a descendent of Yahya ibn Yahya, chief qadi of Cordoba and used him as an ambassador to the marches, where the notables upon whom the caliph depended for military support were often Berber. [...] it becomes clear that during the Umayyad period a number of areas in al-Andalus were evolving as Berber societies whose formation was not under the political control of Umayyad Cordoba."

They care about power not about "muh berber race" also today many arabized north africans hate berbers

The arabs of saudi arabia are as the romans of the islamic world.

so he allowed the Arab army to enter? so you now admit that there were Arabs in Al-Andalus?

90% are nafris trust me

i rest my case

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Nafris are very insecure because no one understand their ugly dialect or care about their ugly amazigh “language” that sounds just like somali

You mix up modern people with medieval berbers who seek to take power ?

Modern people have no reason to be arab meanwhile in the medieval islamic context they had every reason if they were muslims

There were arabs but they were a little minority and of course they gradually disappeared they were outnumbered by berbers and of course mawalis. The achievements of al andalus were done by andalusians and berbers not arabs that's why you don't find any moorish building in Arabia the same way germans assimilated to roman culture not the opposite. Just admit arabs were less advanced than europeans, North africans and levantines which make sense since you're from a desertic isolated place.

this is what happened btw

Attached: iberia explained.jpg (6136x1448, 2.2M)

why are you triggered by historical facts ? If you think arabs have a rich culture and history then pls show some evidence I personally don't see any

>arab conquers iberia
hahahahah source ?

all sources say this conquest was done by berbers :

>"The origins of the groups that conquered Hispania are clear. All the members of Tariq’s expedition, many of Musa’s auxiliary troops, the clients who arrived with 'Abd al-Rahman I, the militias recruited from the time of al-Hakam II and especially under Almanzor, and the Almoravid and Almohad invaders were all of Berber stock.2 Granada itself was founded in the eleventh century on the initiative of the Zirids, a recently arrived subgroup of the Sinhaja tribe. The Zirid emir 'Abd Allah acknowledged the presence of members of another tribe, the Zanata, who reached the heart of his State as auxiliary soldiers.3 It was these same elements who would betray the emir when the Almoravids were at the gates of Granada.4"

arabs really behave like afrocentrists claiming berber achievements as theirs.