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just practice bro.

It's like learning to draw and learn to play piano.

just google tutorials and just google every compiler error what It means.
also try to pirate some courses on torrent and books.

t. been coding games since 2014.

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god hates goshcel

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this is a device of mihai
a broil of fume he tries

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How much money can I make from making the poor man PC version of ring fit using a DDR pad?

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its on this time, this is a battle for the very soul of /cum/

how dope would it be if the dog whisperer was mauled to death by a pack of dogs who betrayed him

imagining you stuck somewhere with men who are very appealing to you but they viciously hate queers. there would be women there to..

>>businesses operate pretty close to at-cost
>thats bogus and you know it, businesses operate to accumulate wealth and they steal surplus work from workers.
It’s only “bogus” because you clipped off the important caveat that was the entire point of the sentence; that businesses operate around at-cost in a competitive and free market. Businesses operating at-cost is one of the definitions economists use for so-called perfect competition; they’re “price takers”

Also the Marxist labour theory of value is completely retarded. Would you like to buy my polished turd? I spent 100,000 hours polishing it, so that’ll be one billion dollars, please

an incel has never answered this.

if male facial beauty was a female sexually selected trait, why the fuck most guys have average or not pretty faces unlike women and why the fuck there's not a progressive evolution of male facial beauty being increased in the last 50 years like how male height has increased?

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1 year from now i'm gonna be an MMA specialist

> in a competitive and free market
oh i see, the 1% are not skimming the fat from the top, because the market said 'no'

> I spent 100,000 hours polishing it, so that’ll be one billion dollars, please
you just described crypto, art and persian rug market

IRS still hasn't given me my tax refund yet
when i call them they make me wait for 3 hours then hang up on me

harems for the top chads arent socially acceptable yet, and women judge looks much more harshly than men. additionally, virtually all ugly women breed meaning if they give birth to a son he's probably going to be an incel.
>unlike women
women wear 20 pounds of makeup, most of them are also facially ugly. but men arent as picky about that as women are.

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the belt was my father's favorite child development tool

then why there's virtually no change in male faces unlike the change that has happened with height and IQ?

5 months smoke free and i'd KILL for a cigarette right now

have male faces been measured over time like height and IQ?

2.5 мonтhs here

i barely тhinк of it anyмore

of coursh

yes, 100 years old photographs exist.

just found out auntie had a stroke, half her brain is gone

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idk they looked different then

I'm getting a little bit too used to drinking alone

well, but still there has been a progressive increase of height and IQ.

not facial beauty in males.

now there's two ways of looking at this

sad. My grandma was sharp as a tack until recently

yeah, but its not like they were measuring midface, ramus, philtrum etc and that is a completely random sampling. if i compare this guy to jeremy meeks i could say that faces have vastly improved over the years.

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believe me alcohol is a nothingburger. as long as you're not some fucking junkie you're good. i know a guy that's in laza lazarevic simply for occasional pot smoking.

i would suppose it's less useful now, maybe that is your point, i can't remember

just googled "laza lazarevic" and i'm lost. how can a guy be inside a serbian writer that's been dead for more than a 100 years?

>height and IQ?
those have increased largely due to improvements in diet and medicine. we won't see the impact of current sexual selection for another few generations now that women are truly free to choose whoever they want thanks to online dating apps.

I didn't Google it and even I realized that's the name of some mental institution, you stupid retard.

laza lazarevic is a nuthouse here in belgrade XD

>science and specially physigonometry didn't exist in the 18 century
ok retard.

my point is that faces aren't selected like height and IQ for women.

western women were sexually liberated in the 60's.

>> in a competitive and free market
>oh i see, the 1% are not skimming the fat from the top, because the market said 'no'
I don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse, or you’re just a retard and have no idea what you’re talking about. A theoretical market in perfect competition, by definition, does not allow for profit seeking because people will stop buying perfectly fungible goods that are priced higher than the equilibrium price. If there isn’t perfect competition, then there is some degree of monopolism at play. The initial point of mine that you started nitpicking was not a general statement about how the world works, but a definition of how a particular market state works, by theoretical definition.

>> I spent 100,000 hours polishing it, so that’ll be one billion dollars, please
>you just described crypto, art and persian rug market
You mentioned gold earlier. Gold has value as a store of value because it does not corrode, so you can park value there indefinitely/infinitely into the future. Metals that corrode slightly more like silver are worth a little less, and metals that corrode very easily like iron are worth a lot less. Theoretically you could also park your wealth in milk, but that would be a bad idea because it spoils quickly. This non-corroding aspect of gold is the main factor in its inherent value, which is not related to the price of labour used to extract the gold. Crypto is some combination of that along with some level of tulip mania and speculation. Art and Persian rugs have an inherent aesthetic value unrelated directly to the amount of labour put in; you can spend 1 million hours working on a painting, but if it’s not inherently aesthetically valuable then it will be worth substantially less than a Jackson Pollock (who I use as an example because his works are relatively thrown together and low effort in a technical sense)

why would they name a nuthouse after a writer? was he nuts?


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>ok retard.
show me where they measure average ramus, philtrum, eye area, and how that changed over the years. ill wait.

The civil rights act was our treaty of Versailles.

And now we live in Weimerica.

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laza lazarevic was both a writer and a doctor. he invented cтapaчки дoм actually(idk how to say it in english)

never thought i could actually learn anything here in /cum/ but TIL something about nuthouses in serbia

I highly doubt that our civilization will last a few more generations such that people are using dating apps similar to Tinder in a hundred years. We seem to be presently, gradually moving into a total collapse phase now with looming civil wars across the Western World as well as WW3 and Stagflation, all at fucking once lmao

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We LOVE japan

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The CRA was based