Edit this image according to your country

Edit this image according to your country

Attached: drawdeflag.png (1148x1180, 63.36K)

Attached: 1656268202233.png (1148x1180, 157.09K)

Attached: brit.png (1148x1180, 57.78K)

i don't know how to use mspaint

Made pic but cant post it :^(

here is a better one

Attached: drawdeflag2.png (1148x1180, 57.59K)


Range ban

Attached: america.jpg (1148x1180, 302.5K)

Put on imgur

im in range ban too :(

Lmao at this thread


Attached: Без названия227_20220627030107.png (1148x1180, 143.05K)

I dont even know how it works
Make this thread again some time and I post it

transfer it to your mobile and post it with your mobile data

the best one itt

Don't tell me what to do

Could work but transfering between phone and computer is massive pain in the ass

Finnish mobile data is range banned from posting files

Nigga at least take a photo of the computer. You can't leave me with this intrigue

Attached: imbored.png (1284x1240, 205.02K)

It's over.

Attached: best cat no.gif (310x320, 2.34M)

Wait, why take photo of the computer? And post it where?
My pic isnt even that good, its the most obvious choices and I cant draw on the computer.

Attached: Sweden.png (1198x1328, 51.64K)