Are people getting ripped off in your country?

Are people getting ripped off in your country?

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Are you the same guy that posts everyday or so about low IT wages in europe ?

>4k€ a month to sit at a desk, talk to coworkers and drink coffee

Hardly THAT bad. I work for Müllabfuhr tho.


On top of that you're supposed to do what used to be done by 5 persons a few years ago all by yourself. The description says you should do frontend, backend, operations, databases, tracking and reporting. For the amount of time and effort to learn all of this you would expect a higher salary than 3000 Euro before taxes.

You're not being ripped off. You're being offered the full value of your labor. It just so happens that pooropeans are lazy and stupid, so their labor is worth less. Truth hurts

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It's up to the company to train you, if they don't it's their problem.

Damn some last round picks from PE typing a bunch of shit on their computers, probably from home. Surely a job deserving of a magnificent reward, lol

You could probably make more working as a janitor on Ramstein.

Literally wrong.

It's not a junior position.

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It's even worse than that, they require you to do even more.

>We require an in-house developer to create and maintain software solutions for every aspect of our operations, from
>managing multiple websites to
>tracking client leads, from
>collecting and maintaining patient records to
>streamlining payroll, from
>business analytics to
>client/staff dashboards, from
>resolving internal IT issues to
>developing digital b2b products.

for 3000 a month lol

The benefits
>Partial remote working option
>reporting directly to the CEO
>Variability in day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month work

How is any of this a benefit?

Why don't you just call them and say you'll take the job for a higher wage?

My man just accept the fact as a young male you're a worker drone expected to carry the company while providing taxes for Lena the part time HR employee at the municipality, Khaleed who can't work due to back pain at age 32 and like 4 pensioners. This is our future.

>WAAH I got a free education, have to work the most comfortable job in history and paid well above average wage

>*Crosses legs* yes I sure do love having to work so others can just freeload or get paid shitloads while doing no actual work whatsoever

But it's even worse for people further down in the hierarchy. Feeling sorry for highly educated people is just comical

I'm not a programmer and people down the hierarchy are treated as modern day cattle here

Because I don't want to waste my energy with such a shit tier company. I would tell them that doing all of this will cost them 20000 Euro a month, that there are maybe 100 people in the world who are competent at being a frontend dev, backend dev, sysops dev, database dev, data analyst and sysadmin simultaneously and that such a person definitely won't work for 3000 Euro a month at a no-name company that considers "partial work from home" a benefit.

welders make that much

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You can make that much picking berries in Denmark lol

>Working from home is a RIGHT not a benefit!
I'm going to have a field day when they drag you all back to the office regardless of your laments about muh productivity or getting anxiety from having to look people in the eyes

I agree and that's where you have to start looking for problems. There are so many people getting educated now because "normal" jobs are so intolerable and that will obviously drive down wages for programmers

Highly educated wages will set themselves. Doctors make so little money here and yet we have a lot of them and it's a really popular degree. You can't really artificially change that, there's not even any need to if the schools are full every year

You're ignorant and proud about it, we get it. You can fuck off now with your level 0 troll attempt.

If you had studied for a real degree like engeneering, medicine or law you'd be payed better but you choose to do a meme degree because you like violent video games and sit in front of your pc all day and now you have to suffer the consequences.

My problem is that people here who actually work for their money, the people who are stuck in traffic at 7:30, tend to have the shittiest wages and are all controlled by lazy work from homers making triple their wage.
They're just getting exploited and massively underpaid just so we can have some profitable companies/press inflation while the government has armies of part time consultants which nobody knows what they do making heaps of money + 6 weeks off per year

pic didn't attach

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that's not how the modern job market works, it's either you adhere to the companies standards or good luck finding another job in the field ever again.

90% of Dutch women study one of the bottom two degrees. They also change their names to Peter because a lower educated engineer makes more than them despite their highly respected bachelor in psychology

Fullstack became a meme thanks to YouTube
Its over

What do you mean? If you don't take that job someone else will, that's how it works

>They also change their names to Peter
On LinkedIn*

Based Engineering Chad

>muh Maschinenbau
can't wait for those retards to get their comeuppance when most of our boomer companies kick the bucket and they get replaced by changs

It will probably change because our system today isn't sustainable due to low birth rates. They tried mass immigration but it was a complete failure. In the near future there will be such a lack of both low-skilled labor and semi-skilled labor (plumbers, welders, mechanics etc.) I don't know how they will fix it.

fullstack? stack these dicks in yo mouth nigga!

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Well Maschinenbau Chad here, you can just transition to whatever shit you want, that’s why being a maschbauer is comfy

Over here they've already decided to import even more people. After 40 years of muh knowledge economy nobody wants to do something useful anymore and they can't reverse it.

German women also do the first thing but then they just marry a men who studied on the degrees on the top and become housewifes/work part time.
We will do fine trust me and if the metal and electronics sector dies, you will be unemployed too because like 90% of the tech sector in germany is providing IT solutions to those companies.

This worst aspects are the time wasted on commuting and the money waste on big city rent. This goes for everyone regardless of personality.
At my company they had a survey about out preferred way to work. Most people said they preferred a mixed arrangement when the results were discussed.
They already want to force everyone back into the office but guess what. The normies were lying. All they did was paying lip service. Almost no one goes to the office unless they are explicitly ordered to. Everyone prefers working from home, even those who say otherwise in anonymous surveys.

Engineers earn about the same. ALmost every source says so and you cherrypicked the one that highlights some obscure sub-field no one ever heard about.
Engineers are also known as the worst autists at universities and you demonstrate why.

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yes, and those people will usually drive down the wages even when they are not even qualified for this position. The modern job market is incredibly predatory and preys on people who are too nice to companies. I mean nowadays companies employ AI's to scan your application documents to decide if you're worth the time, and then force you to do 5 assessement tests before you even get to speak to a real person