Northern Germany vs Southern Germany

Northern Germany vs Southern Germany

Which way user?

Attached: Germans.jpg (2158x1350, 577.08K)

Anywhere, get me out of this shithole and give me a job please


middle germany

Attached: aputhink.jpg (675x524, 39.66K)

South but she is also half Romanian. Too many blonde bitches.

i would take my autistic northern german gf down to the south to live



Which one is this

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Attached: 24.jpg (1080x1350, 265.31K)

Was Nico eastern

Attached: 5edfc16cfdc0831b1ee250a18334d3c8.gif (243x300, 29.28K)

Former GDR Germans are just slavs who speak german right? I believe this was the case even in the days of Prussia before Soviets fucked everything that moved east of Berlin in 45



They have higher Slavic admixture and there are the Sorbs who are technically Slavs, but still are majority Germanic.

But she was originally from Berlin.
Also did you know that she was a nazi?

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>But she was originally from Berlin
That makes more sense. This girl is a better example of Western Germans.

Attached: 1627916069471.webm (450x800, 2.96M)

looks like a trap

Nico was known for making antisemitic and racist comments against jews and blacks and she believed in Nordic supremacy.

Attached: 1da8f7ef581bcd4ba94a76af59b4d2c6.jpg (500x726, 44.91K)

I once lead on a German girl and then ghosted her, not my brightest moment

Probably the prominent forehead.
And what do you think about that?

Attached: 1628881955037.webm (450x800, 2.94M)