The first thing we learn about The United States in geography class in my country is that it's a "melting pot"...

The first thing we learn about The United States in geography class in my country is that it's a "melting pot". You get extra points if you exactly write down "melting pot".
What do you learn about The United States in your country?

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we also learned this

The United States is like a rainbow it includes all colors . Except for black.

That it's not a melting pot, it's a fruit salad.

That's true isn't it?
You should replace your flag with a rainbow one

melting pot

>What do you learn about The United States in your country?
Slaves, nobody can walk more than 20 meters, everyone is fat, schools are extremely dangerous and 9/11.

it was a nation of englishmen though. it didn't become a melting pot until after the civil war. they be teaching you lies over there pierre

we learned that they are a "Schmelztiegel der Nationen" melting pot of nations

We don't learn anything about it

WW2, Cold War and Civil Rights

Do you learn about how they singlehandedly won WW2? (Russia collapses without lend lease)

It's worse in every way than the glorious kingdom of Canada

we learned that the USA was an “ethnic melting pot” but the Netherlands was an “ethnic mosaic”. Meaning in the USA everybody mixes, in the Netherlands everybody sticks to their own.t

This was 10+ years ago tho, who knows what type of shit is in history books these days.

I was seriously expecting my flag to be behind this post. I learnt the exact same thing


we just learn about the american revolution, in the sense that it happened, we also learn about the french one too since both kind of inspired and encouraged the irish revolutions

They would just have even worse casualties, but Germany couldn't have won. Lend Lease started in earnest only during the counterattack phase anyway, Germans wouldn't reach Moscow or Baku

American revolution

What does our alleged "melting pot" status have to do with geography? In America we are taught the truth –we live in the greatest, most exceptional, and most moral nation in the history of mankind. Gd bless.

>What do you learn about The United States in your country?
the first thing we learned about Americans is that they don't really like surprises

Based and REDpilled

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To be honest, we don't learn about USA in geography class.
Only in history I think. Maybe a bit in a class called "knowledge about society" where they might mention 9/11 or some shit. But on history class they tell us about discovering america, colonization, slavery, civil war, revolutionary war etc. Also about roosevelt, new deal, black thursday and uhh idk i think that's all
maybe smth about martin luther

Nope. It was Germans, Dutch and English, not just English.
>german commie

United States isnt a melting pot, every minority keeps their ingroup identity there. Black people even have a different dialect. Also they have very low race mixing despite the mutt meme

>Keep identity intact
Nope, there identities just morph into race. Europeans, Arabs etc > White
all East and SEA > Asian
etc. Unlike Europe where you have Turks and Nafris and Syrians etc

I heard they say the same in canada