How do you deal with sadness, grief, anxiety and other forms of mental anguish in your country?

How do you deal with sadness, grief, anxiety and other forms of mental anguish in your country?

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by manning up, not everyone is entitled to happiness and pleasure

distract yourself. do hobby projects.

I think about the future hapa girls I'll fuck in the bay area

I'm not a women so these pseudo issues are unknown to me

yeah you're also a german (robot without emotion)

Im entitled

Women owe me sex.

United states owes be a passport and a 6 figure salary.


These are the ways I deal with continuous suicidal.ideation and depressoon:

>Smokint cigarettes

Based doctor who went nuts

this except i just drink lmao

mope alone in my room, or channel it into something creative

If you do all that and manage to have a social life and a fulfilling job/career you are all set

I just lack social and fulfilling career
Despite having a stable job and a good bacheloes degree

I'm now an uncle. Everyone is happy for the new baby. But I just can't stop being sad. Another poor soul born into this world. I hope the baby won't grow up to be as miserable as me.

>quit drinking for a week
>feel even more miserable than when i drink every evening

he is not a gentile, at leas t

Prayer when shit gets really bad
Before covid I liked to read I guess, but not anymore

drinking alcohol and/or lifting heavy things

What am I? Please tell me