Everybody should be forced to marry a German woman

Everybody should be forced to marry a German woman

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brown hands typed this post, because browns obessed with Nord/German women...

BWC prefers Slavic girls

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German girls are beautiful and kind
Slav girls are not
Simple as.

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That's right.

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she vill make you wörk harder and you vill like it

God I wish that would happen to me

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Germanic girls >>> slavoid eastern euro girls

Sorry. I'm straight. I like women. Like pic related.

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Thank you sir please do the needful

Dear God, the horror. Then again, if all foreigners marry all German women and fuck off we will potentially fix this country and everyone else ruins their own shitholes. Two flies and so on, if you know what I mean.

If I am forced to marry a German woman I will unironically cut of my dick and balls

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What's so terrible about them user? Give us a tldr

That's easily an age difference of about 20 years, not exactly a fair comparison, is it?

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kino jaw

Even the mexican goblins as me?! :O

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love a strong jaw on a woman and germans seem to have the best

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There are like 40m german woman and around 3b men on the planet. Have fun sharing your wife with a lot of other dudes