Is it really true that in Europe children as young as 7 will take public transport by themselves?

Is it really true that in Europe children as young as 7 will take public transport by themselves?

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Probably not in France or Sweden

I flew to Spain alone when I was 11 to see my sister down there. Took bus for 3 hours to the airport, then the flight down there.

In my city, most people using public transport are Non-White people.
I prefer the bicycle

my grandma rode the train alone at 5 all the way to vienna to her aunt in 1946 only with a sign around her neck with their name and address. Back in those days before foreigners came into this country you could do this to your child and expect them to arrive and get picked up there safely

Why ?

My grandma did the same but a few years earlier in Poland

I was a latchkey child from age 10 and took public transport by myself every day, yes.

Are you sure that wasn't due to the chaos folloeing the war? I doubt Austria in 1946 was a very nice place


Yes, then came an Austrian politician that seized power and instigated the most brutal war to date that led to many whites being killed. Therefore foreigners and migrants were invited to stabilize the work force in the immediate post-war period. It’s all Austria’s fault.

desu she actually did but it was to escape the invasion so everything turned out ok

maybe but then you could still trust strangers to help a child out in those days and be certain that there wouldn't be muslim rapegangs

foreigners only came here later though. My dad saw the shitholification of vienna with his own eyes and he was born in the 70s

I did but I was generally with one or 2 brothers

he's racist

Lul anything to not name the real (((culprits)))

rightly so

Yeah but we "only" have 3% Syrians, the rest are east Europeans.

Yes, did you also know our cities are W-A-L-K-A-B-L-E?

yeah austraians are so nice and moral people, darn those evil foreigners, it'd not like an kindhearted austrian could lock his daughter in the basement for decades raping her; or could launch a ridiculous war leading to the complete destruction of foreigners

grrr those dastardly foreigners!

Don't forget that Syrian Prikopil guy who kidnapped an innocent blonde girl off the streets and held her prisoner in his home for years

Attached: prikopil.jpg (620x620, 55.41K)