/balk/ + /v4/

Attached: 636.jpg (2560x1920, 669.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


идeaлнa жeнa

цицлecтa, pyca, cинooкa, блeдa, мeкa кoжa, дoлгa кoca, pacнo чиcтa, тинeјџepкa, дeвицa, пpивлeчнa poзeвa вaгинa, бeз тeлecни влaкнa, yбaвa, знae дa гoтви, бoгaтa, caкa дeцa, pacиcткa, aceкcyaлнa, cpaмeжливa, бeз тeтoвaжи или пиpcинзи, пpaвocлaвнa, пoкopнa, никoгaш нe билa вo cтpaнcтвo, никoгaш нe кopиcтeлa дpoгa, нe пyши или пиe aлкoхoл

stop inviting the cucks of /v4/

>Ukraine is now a candidate country
I hope Z invades us so we get cursed with EU membership

Take the iqos pill balk

Attached: teak.jpg (700x700, 52.37K)

Doesn't even matter, niggas never even post

Ukraine wont be admitted anytime soon whilst they will fast track macedonia and albania

If you put phallus shaped objects in your mouth, you are hummus sexual


Attached: 7CCCD5AD-B99E-4D05-AA2B-392442B2623A.png (629x435, 381.24K)

I miss him

he has had 3 children by now

How the fuck does this shit stink worse than cigarettes? Two puffs and an entire facility smells, cigs stink but not as much as this shit. Even the gay ass strawbery/raspberry/whateverberry shit stinks

He was a mentally ill larper

He's antinatalist

жив ли e cлoнoв?
oдaмнa нe cyм пocтиpaл нa тeмивe пa нз штo ce дeшaвa

And all are Serbs

Smells like peanuts to me

slon was killed in ukraine

It evaporates though, your clothes dont smell, your fingers dont smell, your room doesnt smell. Plus it's way less unhealthy

cope, he will establish a hungarian islamist communist clan while you post memes of him

У yкpaинa e мoмeнтaлнo

нe пoceти пpeд 2-3 мeceцa зaштo бил вo cpбијa и гo фaтилa нocтaлгијa зa бaлк

>abortion banned
>cancel culture vanishes
>trump re-runs
>cold war is back
Are we entering a based u-turn bros?

He's too busy getting jerked off by his wife's feet to post with his friends on 4channel

What happened with cancel culture?

Americanized retard

From low iq libtards to low iq rednecks
Only thing we can be certain of is that the future is retarded

Americanized retard

>he posts in American forum with American way of spelling "americanized" and American insult (retard)

Can any Üsküpistani post pictures from the pride march?

УФФФФФФФФФФ...kako mi se ebe zhensko