/med/ + friends

qt3.14 edition

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>'mornin', one freddo espresso please, with sugar

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>Around 10pm
>More or less an hour into the internet outage
>decide to go to sleep
>Wake up at around 12:30
>Go to the bathroom
>Return to bed
>From then on, it's an alternation between waking up and having weird dreams
>Wake up at around 5
>Bathroom visit again
>Return to bed
>Not even bothered to try to sleep again
>mfw I was discussing with my mother how I'd fuck my night up if I go to sleep early in the previous evening but did it anyway because I had nothing else to do.

Good morning /med/.

Sì lo so, scherzàvo. Noi usiamo la parola (kruċjata) in un modo simile. Nonostante mi faccio nulla come il solito.

mornin frens

didn't sleep either, i feel you maltanon

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Viennoiseries acquired.
Then groceries time.

Good morning med, I ate the last remaining slices of french toast, they were delicious now I have to workout to make them disappear

Captured a vampire queen in XCOM Files. She's cute.

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What are you gonna do to her ?

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Extract secrets to find out where the zombie hordes are coming from.

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There was a cute redhead working at the supermarket, I wanted to save her
Maybe she was just a student
Saw shrimps on sale, did not buy, already ate Gambas recently

Do we really?

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>Saw shrimps on sale, did not buy
Let us pray that you do not come to regret your inaction, my thrifty friend.

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The first morning of holidays and waking up to a new scenery from your window is ultra cozy

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What if she's reluctant to tell you ?
Redheads are either super hot or super ugly, she must have been a beautiful woman, try to find her next time you go to the supermarket
Is that Norf Italy ?

what are your plans for today?

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Picard order was way bigger than expected, I have to send some of them to sister's house freezer VGH
Workout then play vidya

post on /med/

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Mostly cleaning and browsing

>What if she's reluctant to tell you ?
Then we bring in the psionic team to read her mind.
Go out walking, buy groceries (it's Andalusian week in Lidl) and play video games.

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im mediterranean hi


prove it

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This gets me every time kek

A displaced Mediterranean. You must have suffered so much in the lawless jungles of South America.

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A knight of Malta doesn't cry

I'm a peasant.

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