Meanwhile in Germany

Meanwhile in Germany...

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He not fruity my nibbas peacockin'

That's truly funny, if I found this magazine I would take it to class to lmao at it with my class mates. You have to know that virtually every German university has a so called ASta. That's some kind of organisation meant to represent the interests of students towards the university but in reality it's a club for communist larpers and no one takes them serious. When you say you're in the ASta people will know that you can't be taken seriously. And this looks like just another ASta joke (not meant as a joke of course but to everyone else it is). Cheers from Brandenburg.

Where are you from? Let's see how long it takes me to post something from whereever that is.



these are pictures created by the CIA to cause repulsion towards populace and help justify actions against the LGBT+, anti-racist, pro-immigration, and feminist movements

Grim but deserved for SPD voters

Based CIA

>Trannies are just men in a carnival dress



more like Pozdam

My fucking sides

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Based if true

wtf, I love the CIA now!

Wtf I love CIA now

"Istighfar" Mohammed whispered to himself, as he knew that pushing the button would redeem them from their terrestial life, existence and sins.

he looks sikh though

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I'm totally ok with all the LGBT enbie etc. stuff but what I don't understand is why they think that this can easily coexist with religious ostentation that is all about repressing sexuality, freedom of expression, etc.

Globohomo 101 class. Lesson 13 why you will eat bugs and enjoy them

Wow, I want a welcoming Nürnberg girlfriend.

Unfortunatly not, liberal germans really think like this. Source: Went to the single most liberal inner city school within the most liberal Bundesland of germany, filled with commies, deviants and organic-hippies (all of them were fully deranged from reality due to them being upper-class brats who only interact with their alikes)

>words, words, words
just say to you're a cringe incel chud already