They sure do bark a lot

Hey man you can have visegrad media show me your president talk shit about france and germany on tiktok, but just remember this usa has promised to help the kurds but eventually betrayed them.

know your place.

Attached: 360_F_198417613_qioOwXPDW85YKgYxrQnRlbnuNvQ6vClb.jpg (625x360, 28.51K)

Are you under the water already

You have to come here in the morning. The entire catalog is full of anti-german threads

oepsie woepsie de poepie is stukkie wukkie in mij poepenfarten!
Wat nou?

We don't expect any help from Germany or France, but we believe in might of US & A, deal with it.

Your cunt was created by this superpower in 1945

its really cute seeing slavs think we care about them. nobody in america wants to get involved with foreign shit that might actually lead to real war, we dont care about you at all

unbelievably cringe

we are subhuman
step and spit on us

yeah cope us can turn any country into shithole and you're the one. Slaves of America are rich af.

not my words
BRUH the dutch ruled sea's and traded with the world while the British were still in the trees. we didnt get into existence out of thin air 1945 kek

Poles bark a lot, because they have glorious history in their heads. It's sort of like with Spain and Spanish Empire.

You were part of Germany that became occupied by America in 1945, before 1945 you've been part of Germany.

>talk shit about france and germany

No one does it for fun but simply because Germany and France don't do what they're expected to do as NATO members

>usa has promised to help the kurds but eventually betrayed them.

We don't have any other choice anyway, we can either believe in the US or stay alone.

Thank, i prefer this simple explanation and now I understand the polish point of view.

when your gov has media that makes politicians look bad ass and hard its cringe and only makes me dislike you. but i guess i was exposed to propaganda ment for polish people

lol i forgot to you

absolutely wrong take, like you couldn't be more wrong. Also visegrad media isn't a thing here, it's just a form of spreading agenda here, just like you do with your globohomo tranny rights and importing muslims.

there are many p0lacks scrubing toilets in dutchland
you should talk to them, it will be very eye opening

>just like you do with your globohomo tranny rights and importing muslims.

you're talking to a prorussian Any Forumstard

You also believed in England lol

This: Always remember that Poles look like bald auschwitz survivors after a tour through tschernobyl

he still lives in globohomo holland after all.

England declared war on Germany, if they truly betrayed us they wouldn't give a shit and would stay neutral (hitler wanted it, in fact hitler wanted UK to join and become an ally) this alone is a gamechanger,

UK wasn't able to help us in any meaningful way during the invasion.

Fucking horrid thread so far. Stay classy, anons

Governments only care about their own countries' economical and as an extension geopolitical interests. No one gives a fuck about foreigners and never did. As soon as US interests stop alligning with yours they will drop you, just like everyone else always did.

Attached: Europe_under_Nazi_domination.png (1088x998, 187.41K)

What would be US interest in dropping us ad giving us to Russia or China or any of their enemies?