What happened today in the usa was objectively awful...

What happened today in the usa was objectively awful. But I welcome it as a necessary accelerant of the rest of the world from american hegemony and as a source of greater division within the USA itself.

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How did it even happen?
Wasn't Biden supposed to be the cool progressive libera

Ever since the dubya years congress doesnt do anything. Judges pass laws at this point.

The judges role should be to just to interperet the law, I guess the balance of power is just completely skewed in USA

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Trump appointed 3 justices within a single term, creating a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court

why are women like this?

which is exactly what they have done
they merely had another look at a previous supreme court ruling, declared that ruling unconstitutional and reverted things back to their interpretation of the law

you wouldn't understand
they NEED to have sex with strangers without protection
shut up chud

judges are just as political as everybody else when they should be impartial. The judiciary should be completely substituted with AIs in this century and laws need to be phrased in a way that they can only be interpreted one way and not 100 ways. This would also eliminate the need for lawyers who are a deadweight on the economy anyway

I agree. Unelected judges shouldn't be able to have power like that. If they were to get rid of abortion, the American people should vote for it.

Don't want to get pregnant? Keep your legs closed you fucking whore.
Simple as.

>banning abortion
Not a woman, therefore not my problem.
>banning same-sex and interracial marriages
Not gay and never getting married, therefore not my problem.
>banning access to contraception
Never having sex, therefore not my problem.

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That's not interperating, that's equivalent to deciding
You could use that same line of reasoning to ignore any law

Based. And they say Somali immigration has done nothing good for Sweden.

>banning neet bux
now it gets personal fuck the system

How is this even a problem that people give a shit about lmao. Like how often does the average woman accidentally get pregnant and requires an abortion in her life?

Family planning, incels. As a married man I am glad we have abortion.

I don't know if you are pretending to be stupid, or really are this stupid, but you should absolutely shut up and never speak about this again.

This was the Supreme Court striking down our basic constitutional rights. Biden has nothing to do with it. They struck down a hundred+ year old gun control law as well, and said we aren't allowed to sue the police for violating our miranda rights either.

Time for a revolution.

Admittedly, overturning this decision is them doing exactly that.
Roe v. Wade is an infamous example of "Bench activism". If Dems were smarter they'd just have made abortion legal by passing it as a law in Congress. Roe v. Wade was a ruling on medical privacy that inadvertently made abortion legal, but obviously that's finicky

>how often does the average woman get pregnant and require abortion
many times, most just keep quiet about it. women are whores