In france, PATERNITY TESTS ARE FULLY LEGAL, and you require neither proofs nor reasonable doubts to demand one

In france, PATERNITY TESTS ARE FULLY LEGAL, and you require neither proofs nor reasonable doubts to demand one.

>Un test génétique est autorisé uniquement dans le cadre d'une procédure judiciaire visant l'un des objectifs suivants :
>Établir ou contester un lien de filiation : Lien juridique entre un enfant et son père et/ou sa mère
>Recevoir ou supprimer une contribution financière (aussi appelée subsides)
>Établir l'identité d'une personne décédée, dans le cadre d'une enquête de police

HOWEVER, and this is what trips up the illiterate anti-france poltards, it MUST be part of a legal proceeding, and thus you will have to go through a lawyer and a judge to get one. This means that all paternity tests made "for funz" or for reality show bullshits are illegal.
>En matière de filiation, vous pouvez obtenir un test de paternité.
>Le test peut être refusé par le juge uniquement pour un motif légitime.
>Vous n'avez pas à réunir des preuves ou indices de la paternité pour obtenir le test.
>Le test de paternité est ordonné par le juge. L'assistance d'un avocat est obligatoire.

Furthermore while it is legal to refuse to comply to a request for dna in the case of a paternity test, that in itself can be used as proof of paternity or the lack thereof.
>Peut-on refuser de se soumettre à un test de paternité ?
>Une personne peut refuser de se soumettre à un test de paternité.
>Son consentement est obligatoire pour y procéder.
>Toutefois, le juge peut interpréter le refus comme un aveu de paternité (ou, selon le cas, comme un aveu de non paternité).

The idea that you can't have a paternity test is yet another fantasy of bbc worshiping cucks, don't be one.

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i will cut out your spine starting from the bottom


Isn’t this entire discussion completely irrelevant nowadays? Last Valentine I literally paid €100 to test me and my girlfriend’s DNA. You can use those commercial tests to see if you’re related to your kid too.

Less than €100, no legal proceedings needed. Don’t know if it would be admissible in court as evidence, but at least you can make sure who your kid is without the law

Why are you trying to sell me a paternity test?

not my problem

>it MUST be part of a legal proceeding
Why? This is still absolutely cucked you tard.

You know lawyers cost a fucking lot of money, right?

if she's against the test you just know it's not your kid

It would not be acceptable in court
On paper it's illegal to do that but nothing ever happened
France doesn't like everything related to DNA, whatever the reason

This means that the results of the tests and the ways the tests are made are protected by the law and fully notarized.
On the other hand you can have a dna test in sweden and have the results thrown out the window by the judge or fudged by the private company doing it.

are u the one making these drawings? bc this is the same art style as those religious drawings you post


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And? What if I want to know if my kid is mine WITHOUT divorcing my wife and suing her? That shit costs a fuckton of money and if the reason for divorce is infidelity then why wouldn't you want to know first...

everything really went shit

you are not bad at all

>What if I want to know if my kid is mine WITHOUT divorcing my wife and suing her?
>Why? This is still absolutely cucked you tard.

>whatever the reason


Quit flooding the board, you pedo apologist.

a cucked land

This cuck mongrel doesn't even know what he is saying.
>kek in fullcap

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OP is not him retard

Thanks !

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Law is retarded op.
It’s a needles useless idiotic obstacle which serves no purpose but to allow lawyers make money which they do not deserve and it’s just a waste of time.
Maybe you could tie this to national security as in
>could be used for biological warfare

your drawings are pretty good, I could see them on a children's book
what is the religion that you promote on Any Forums?


This has been debunked

I'm a Jehovah's Witness !

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Are you retarded faggot? If I found out my child wasn't mine I would divorce my wife instantly. In France you do not have the right to do that because you have to go to court before getting any paternity test. This is why French fathers get paternity test from Belgium and other countries but you're too retarded to even realize why anybody would do that