Scots language

Dae ye ken Scots? It isnae slang! Scots is an official West Germanic language spoken in modern Scotland.

By 1707 when Scotland joined the United Kingdom, Scots was widely considered its own language, not a dialect.

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>By 1707 when Scotland joined the United Kingdom, Scots was widely considered its own language, not a dialect.
Um, source?

Read a book

not a dialect?
but the englishmen still understand them,why don't they simply switch to gaelic if they want a language so bad?

Attached: limmy.png (411x420, 116.95K)

Scots Wikipedia written by furry from USA laugh now

Did he have a time machine to edit books? Oh. He didn't.

Interestingly the English language spoken in Scotland began to be referred to as Scots around the same time Gaelic began to be referred to as Irish.

What is Scots? Is typing phonetically considered Scots or no? Even the census had trouble defining it.

Aye, I ken a wee bit.

It's extremely depressing that the parts of Northumbria absorbed into the Kingdom of Scotland Anglicised it rather than being Gaelicised by it. It makes sense I guess given that the soil quality made the Anglo-Saxon territories annexed into Scotland the wealthiest and most populous, but it's still a shame. If the Scottish Gaels had put more effort into Gaelicising the southern territories they acquired they could have kept the whole of Scotland from eventually becoming Anglicised.

Only for political reasons. The "language" (as it exists today, not in 1707) is like 90% mutually intelligible with England English. Any reasonable linguist wouldn't define it as its own language

Being assimilated into the culture of the conquered seems to be common among conquerors of prosperous territories.

Oiso wånn schottisch a ägene sproch sä kå dånn is mä dialekt aa a ägene sproch wä samma si ehrlich de dotsoch dass ma ka ägene meme rechtschräbing hod mochts aa ned weniga woa.

Just a retarded and maximally irritating version of English.

I think Scots as a literary language could be classified separately, but the census defining the language using videos of random Scottish people speaking English is clearly political.

>Scots language
Typing in an accent is peak reddit

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Italian wasn't considered a language until Italy was formed.

get tay fook ye wee bawbag

Usually it'd be
>get tae fuck ya wee bawbag

>get tay fook ye wee bawbag

Attached: 1616841275855-0.png (249x255, 45.15K)

What's the deal with the Scots language? It's not Scottish, and it's not a language.

Attached: 1653471400679.png (800x437, 137.33K)

Saying Scots is not Scottish is like saying the English language is not British.

It's literally just English with a silly accent

>It's not Scottish
What do you mean?
>it's not a language.
Well, to be fair, Europe has plenty of "distinct languages" that are mutually intelligible with each other.

What you're speaking is not Scots, OP.
It's "Doric" which is just a dialect of English.
Scots IS its own separate language but too many people here are retarded and think a few janky spellings and words from Scots makes the language Scots.

>uhhhhhhh n-no it's not just a dialect of English because uhhhhh because I say so