Post your country's biggest retard moment

post your country's biggest retard moment

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1990 when we let Belarus and Ukraine go. That was a horrific mistake.

Most of its history, but it's retarded in a funny way so no prob

Didn't you want to post a pic representing your countries subjugation under Islam?

1)islam was actually better to egypt and egyptians than the byzantines, under the caliphates egypt once again became a center of learning with medieval cairo as opposed to the byzantines who just let it rot

2)that wouldnt even be OUR retard moment since it was the byzantines who were in charge at the time

Your shithole was livable only under Greek and Roman rule

uh oh

Don't make me post it again mahmud


Kek the romans described ptolemaic egypt as a "dump", which it was, the irrigation systen was neglected and left to erode, trade routes were filled with bandits, no social mobility, no nothin

Augustus and the good emperors later on improved the situation, but then later romans started oppressing the copts as heretics, and during the very late period the whole country went into disrepair, then the arabs came
You have no idea what youre talking about retard

i agree begin is such a fucking retard i cant believe some people still claim he was an ok prime minister.
he was better than anyone before him in regards to internal matters but with foreign affairs he was trash

This is the only reply you will get in this thread. If I'm wrong, I'll kill myself on a tiktok live.

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Perdon amigo pero lo necisito a acerlo


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didnt you win?

any value in the ssinai desert? why did israel give it back?

Nasser was a retard

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win what?
begin stole people's land and homes to turn the place into a criminal\terrorist shithole. i would argue he's the worst prime minister in israel's history.
he paved the way for scum like rabin and sharon to import crime and terrorism and steal people's homes. as much as i hate bibi and think he's a leftist faggot atleast he saved us from this happening again by protecting people's homes and land with a basic law.

the people in pic related were attacked and forced by begin's fascist government thugs to abandon their homes and leave their city.

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>their city
>reverse image search
>"Israeli Colonies in the Sinai"
never change kikebro

it's a part of israel that was stolen by a fascist scumbag and turned to shit
imagine if your government ceded the northern half of norway to fill it with terrorists

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>post your country's biggest retard moment

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why is he second only to Allah in Egyptian minds and culture then?

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we are the dumbest people on earth for voting in this clown

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