Why do white people love to vilify Genghis Khan?

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can yt pepo name a mongolian other than temujin?

My race’s conquerors and dictators - good
Other races’ conquerors and dictators - bad

I don’t know.
he died before the mongols reached Europe.
All of his raping was done against Turks and Iranians.

>White people
user, before posting this, why not read the name of the author of the article first

because he was based

kublai is equally or even more well-known here as he led the mongols against medieval hungary

I wonder how Northern Chinese looked before his arrival. They could have been normal looking.

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Question was for white people mongol sir

Its weird how a nigga that died 800 years ago is still discussed to this day.
I wish i could be 1/100 as relevant

I mean he kinda was
but mudslimes, chinks and southern chinks deserved it

The only people who vilify Genghis Khan are Chinese, Eastern Europeans and Muslims

I've never heard him vilified. He's talked about with the same tone of complete neutrality that most pre-enlightenment conquers are. As if people who lived before the European Enlightenment had the moral dimensions of animals, and them killing each other was not to be judged, just like we don't judge a wolf for killing a deer.

>The only people who vilify Genghis Khan are Chinese, Eastern Europeans and Muslims
White people constantly love to vilify him. See Star Trek, where he was used to personify evil, and The Shadow where he was the occult big bad.

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I look up to evil historical characters, like Stalin

(ignore flag, am Anglo) Our entire culture and historical perspective nowadays revolves around how our empires were evil. Why would we consider other empires to be anything other than evil if we're taught to vilify our own imperial past?

He killed a lot of people. Those are the facts. That's literally being a shit person. How you treat others is your morals. Your actions are what matter, everything else is bullshit.

Modern yte people have serf mentality due to self-hatred and therefore vilify those that have achieved greatness

Lots of westerners suck him tho "muh trading empire, muh pax mongolica" and shit

Not many historic figures but I know many mongol singers. I like their songs

So Empires became the ultimate sin instead of Jesus? Nice society you have there