What languages do you speak?

For me it's:
>Polish (N)
>English (C1)
>Esperanto (B1)
>Russian (A1)
>Japanese (learning towards A1/N5)
Honorable mentions:
>High German (forgot most of it since middle school, know a couple of phrases)
>Ukrainian (learned just some basic phrases)

Attached: 1651845284616.jpg (1280x720, 129.72K)

>Polish (N)
>Silesian (N)
>English (C1)
>Russian (B2)
>German (A2)
>French (A1)

>English (A1)

Attached: 1654324450565.jpg (457x494, 28.55K)

>Spanish (N)
>Galician (CELGA4, equivalent to C2 afaik)
>English (C1)
>Portuguese (A1-2)
been trying to learn italian through duolingo but lost inerest

Зaчeм вaм pyccкий?

English c2
Spanglish c1
Ebonics c1
I forgot how to speak my native language spanish

B лицee нaм нaдo былo пoлyцить двa языки. Я пoлyчил aнглийcкий нaтypaльнo и былы в шкoлe тoжe фpaнцyзcкий, иcпaнcкий, итaлийcкий, нeмeцкий и pyccкий. Пoлyцил pyccкий пoтoмy чтo oн мнe нpaвилcя и oн тoжe cлaвяньcкий. Heиpoничнo oн был мнe нyжeн чтoбы гoвopить c мигpaнтaми из вocтoкa и цeйчac пocлe фeвpaлa c бeжeньцaми из Укpaины.

a bit of Klingon

>Spanish (N)
>English (C2)
>Italian (B1)
>German (A2)

uh, what's your native language?

>Japanese(B1? Passed N3 last year, wanna get N2 this year)

Attached: file43.gif (527x416, 2.19M)

English (native)
French (B2)
German (B1)

>French (N)
>English (B2/C1)
>Turkish (B1)

Honorable mentions :
German, which I studied 10 years at school but forgot everything
Arabic/Darija, which my father speaks but never bothered teaching me

can read, speak and write: icelandic, english
can read: old norse, faroese
most of the time i can at least get the context of what scandies are saying in text due to danish lessons and a bit of thinking

Do you read Norse sagas and Eddas as part of your school curriculum?

Polish Warsaw dialect (N)

old norse is easy, the only real difference (in writing) is some vowels and word endings

>>Japanese (learning towards A1/N5)
A1 is N4

N5 is pre-A1


>Spanish (N)
>English (C1)
>German (C1) but not very fluent anymore since I haven't used it at all since school
>French (a bit, no official title)
>Basque (same as French)

English (N)
Japanese (N5)

Attached: 70A74D47-8FB6-4E1B-8728-85C03EE07D74.jpg (1125x1229, 152.6K)