DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2915

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

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This is an off-topic question, but is it true that the word "mamada" means blowjob in Spanish?
If so, that's hilarious because there's the region named 間々田(ままだ, mamada) in Tochigi prefecture, Japan.
On top of that, 間々田駅(Mamada Railway Station) is located in 乙女(おとめ, otome) in the sense of (female) virgin, maiden.

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Do you also know about Eromanga, Australia?

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Yes, of course because it's famous even in Japan.

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まだ採らぬ 早苗の葉末 靡くなり
集く蛙の 声の響きに

Watched Dolly’s video on のように, みたい, まるで But I still don’t really get it

click the loop button

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I went back and watched it, the most I got was it’s used to make similes. Gonna skip it move on to the next video

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好き means bitches in russian, though it's 上ス下キ so it's kind of a stretch. 土曜日 is a swear word for getting on someone's words (more specifically, the inflection is 2nd person and imperative).

>on someone's words

Actually thinking of it, it's surprising how japanese manages to dodge almost all russian swear language despite being so similar in basic phonology if you just convert pitch into stress. Though outside of the swear language (it's like a sub language in russian because it's so massive) there are so many similar sounding words you can hear them in almost every sentence if you focused on that.



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If you don't understand it just use a different resource on the same topic and maybe you will see it from different perspective, or maybe some example sentences will help you


Japan cute :DDD

I don't know but きた means dick in Serbian.