Literally illegal in America

literally illegal in America

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New York will be car free and walkable before Vienna. Screenshot this post and mark my words, you heard it here first.

thank Christ.

This is what it looks like at ground level


>walking to the baker
This confuses and enrages the American.

is this supposed to be nice?

it's a repugnant shithole full of soulless design-less commieblocks

fuck these $500k cardboard single-family houses shilled by the developer zog

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They are unironically dressed up shitboxes that will decay within 20 years after being built, and require maintenance by people who know what they're doing.
t. build REAL homes

florida has condos that look similar

>thank Christ.

>is this supposed to be nice?

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>Owning grass bad not wholesome
>Better to live in a box with a Z-coordinate
Who is manufacturing this opinion?

>florida is filled with spics subhuman brown filth.

>owning grass
lol where? the small patch you can't even put a lawn chair on?

wrong use of the > you retard

Compare to literally nothing, even if most suburbs looked like that. I for one built a fire with some friends today

That's crazy.
US have the money and the technoloy to build things better than this.
where did things go wrong? who's to blame?

>"You must own a green lawn, and care for it regularly or else you're not a REAL adult!"
>"Why? b-b-because... It's just the way it is!"

>I'm retarded

>"Yeah, hi, Becky, it's me, Larry, again. Look, I hate to be a bother this early on a Saturday morning but it looks like user's grass is at least 1/3 higher than the HOA-approved 3 and 2/3s height. I just googled, and recent market research shows that one unkempt lawn in a neighborhood can see house prices fall by as much as 1.36%...

enjoy your neighbors!!!

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You’re perfectly free to live in a pod user. Most of us simply won’t be joining you.


developers and local governments that give them tax breaks because they're insatiable and want more and more homeowners (aka property tax payers)

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Capitalism plus a mentality of skimming as much money out of everything as you can.

I'm an urban American and I live in a townhome. Would like to have another larger home in the burbs though. Just to get away.

I don't care for shitty skyscrapers.

Don't care, in the greatest country in the world you can and should buy a house and own land. Keep your soulless box, keep your getting asked for money all the time, keep your quirky axe throwing bars. Blow it out your ass

>basic care and maintenance of your home and belongings breaks the millennial/zoomie
Better yet, just live in a non-HOA neighborhood, there’s plenty of them.

And that's a good thing

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>wants a hollow deteriorating box in an uninteresting neighborhood surrounded by god awful boomers, built with trailer tier plumbing, shit ac systems, and insane HOA fees so that goblinos can kick up grass and dirt and smear it all over your driveway.

We get it, you hate your parents.