Poop comes out of girls butts and pee comes out of girls vaginas

poop comes out of girls butts and pee comes out of girls vaginas
poop also comes out of guys butts but since guys don't have vaginas, pee actually comes from their penises
what do you think about this information? internationally speaking, of course

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Do you have an independent, fact checked, peer rewiewed source for that claim?

I can't believe I've made it nearly three decades without knowing this

Uhhh... source? Where's the Snopes article, chud?


All the experts agree on it though

Im an expert and i dont agree

my cock goes in a girl ass

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>girls pee comes out of a vagina
You have got to be kidding me. This ruined my day

That's basic German cuisine.

>pee comes out of girls vaginas
No, it comes out from the urethra opening right above the vag

>pee comes out of girls vaginas
U kidding me? I put my tongue in there

that's a good thing THOUGH

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Some girls pee out of their penis too

I just consulted the experts on expertdom and they said you're no expert, and that you're in fact a chud

girls have significantly smaller bladders since they need the room for babby-making organs which is why they need to go to the bathroom so often

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Girls don't poo though

>people come out of women vaginas

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Not only people but also peruvians.

I want to drink from a vagina.