Indians, Latinx, and Asians cannot name their children anglo names...

Indians, Latinx, and Asians cannot name their children anglo names. I met this girl yesterday who named her son Liam Velasquez. Shit don't work.
And don't get me started on something like Edmund Chang or Bill Chakrabarti. Just stay in your respective lanes and don't embarrass yourselves. Actually, that's where I give indians credit. When they move to the west they don't change their names like Chinese x

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>t. Pablo Smith
t. Washington Silva

>t. Ancestors were a pagans who adopted middle eastern names.

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Liam is a beautiful name.

I've seen so many 2nd gen Chinese people with old people white name
Like people unironically named shit like, Eugene Zhang or Doris Wang

Indians use fake names, i work with a guy who does that. he calls himself Roger but i got a glimpse of his ID lanyard one time and it was some super long Indian style name.

Actually you have a good point there. And it was cringe when they did it

>Yes, I am named Lawrence Bishnoi, you got any problem with that?

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Larry, I fucking KNEEL

you really think people like names like
>boris jhonson shanikua
>freetarded musik
>chaim gonzales jongun
nobody is naming their kids after amerilards now

I've never seen Indians in the us use western names. They may abbreviate their real names. Like the fgc commentator Ripal who calls himself Rip, but every Indian I've known just stays ful on Sirbro

I'm not talking about America you fucking brown ape. I'm talking about western names you broke australopithecine

Stop regulating others. That's not your duty.

to them you will always another pajeet

>gatekeeping names

But a lot of people in Latin America name their kids Brayan and Maicol

Adolf Himenez

Yes. What of it
Acting like you wouldn't clown someone named Julio Breckenridge

Liam is unironically one of the most common names for black and Hispanic baby boys in the US

Its mostly Christian converts here who take up Biblical or general Anglo names.

>White names
Never happens

What has that got to do with anything I said tho? Are all you zoomers actually dumb or am I getting too old?

Yes and is cringe as fuck. First of all they want even spell it right, second, no beaner should be named "Michael", it's not right

>washington quispe
>gabriela frank
>benjamin mamani
>pedro kuczynski
>alexander gonzales
>andrea smith

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It happens alot among Christians.

I didn't know there were Indian christians

I went to a bumfuck tribal village of Dhurvaa tribe in Kanger Valley National park, deep inside jungles, and there was a Church of an American Evangelical sect, with most tribals converted.

That's fucking terrifying
Missionaries creep me the fuck out