What makes the East German they way they are?

What makes the East German they way they are?
btw you could smell this pic

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low iq

I don't know what makes polack always drive from Stettin to Brandenburg just to clean my toilet for s few zloty, we will never know. A mystery

Slavic dna.

Polish genes

Sczczcsczcezczin sweetie

sweety you aren't rich, you aren't european and you can't afford polish people

What's his shirt say?

nationalists can't be broken (or at least what I get from this meme english-like language)

Side effect of living next to Poland

Polish admixture

One of these isn't like the others.

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Why is belarus more civilized than russia then?

German admixture

It's still populated by subhumans though
You can't make it human and european by just pumping american money in it. It doesn't work like that.

Belarus is the least german-contaminated place in slavdom. In fact it's a quarter polish or more country, even if russified.

t. Hermann Sloddarik, permanently drunk since the NRW nigger goal mines have closed (in the 1960s, economy still "transitioning")

It's populated by subhumans but not inhabited by them. Because you fuck off back to Assland when your shift at the restaurant is over.

Enspann dich mal, Digger. Ich mach doch nur Spaß lol

Sorry hans, but you're a wasteland and you exist solely to buy out your decrepit shithole villages for 1000 euros so I could drive to work back home and live on my own

Sorry but Eastern Germans aren't people and Europe ends on where the great wall diving you from people used to be.

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By the same logic

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Invest in eastern Germany

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That photo isn't from East Germany, it's from the Netherlands