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who goes first?

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The car, or the bus, depending who's faster. But mostly the car

red car goes first of course

Whichever one I'm in

bus imo

you let the bus go first because you don't want to get flattened into a fine paste, but not everyone has an IQ above 45.


the bus

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The bus crosses the path of the red car so the bus has to give priority to the red car.

look at the sign

that would be the case if there were no lights or signs

the priority is:
policeman steering the traffic > lights > signs

there is no policeman and the light is green for the car so the car goes first


I'm guessing the bus depending on what that thing under the triangle means. We don't have traffic sings quite like that here. The ones that mean same thing aren't on intersections with lights.

Never experienced such retarded road design in my cunt : )

red car first

the bus shouldnt be able to turn to the left
so the car obviusly

Oh I just woke up.
Ok the bus has priority.

The bus. Only 3. Worlders say anything else

What the fuck is the sign

we'd just build a roundabout instead

The thing under the triangle indicates priority, but the traffic lights override the signs. Without the green traffic light, the bus goes first. Without the traffic light and the sign, the car goes first.

You have cars in finland? Wow, Sweden really modernized your country

read this I mean maybe it's different in Sweden, but in Poland those signs only apply when lights don't work
So for example during the night, some lights start blinking yellow and then the signs apply.
But as long as the lights are working, they are more important, so in that case you should ignore the signs

Light functions so signs are invalid


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Whoever has the loudest horn and biggest balls.

Or just floor it with the car because you're crossed before the bus even moved.

The red triangular sign indicates that the red car is to give right of way to the priority road. The sign below the triangular sign shows the priority road, which is the road the bus is currently in. Thus, the red car has to wait for the bus to pass first

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post hand

The light on the side of the bus is also green. The bus has right of way

>both have green so they cancel each other out
>sign says that the lane the bus is coming from has priority so the bus should drive first
thats how i see it
its a stupid designed intersection anyway

No because he is doing left turn you dumb kartoffel

Krijg de vinkentering, Piotr.

>its a stupid designed intersection anyway
The person who designed it should be fired.

When both have priority, the one turning left yields to the one turning right or going forward. Why? Because, in this case, the bus, turning, has the car on its right side.

that upside-down triangle, on top of a left-turn sign, is telling the red car that the bus will yield when it turns left. So the red car goes first.

signs > traffic rules

You retard, the bus is on the priority road

I'm not familiar with that sign below the yield sign, but since they both have green lights and red has to yield, I believe the bus goes first despite making a turn.

The bus. Not only it's on the main road but a red car also has an upside triangle sign which means "give way".

The bus has this sign on its side. The bus goes first. I can't believe you guys are this retarded

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Depends on who's whiter

thread where gay little euros argue over their nanny state bureaucratic rules.

why are they both on the wrong side of the road?

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Traffic light is functioning so priority signs are same as not existent at all you absolute cumlord

6.15. Boдитeли и пeшeхoды дoлжны выпoлнять тpeбoвaния cигнaлoв и pacпopяжeния peгyлиpoвщикa, дaжe ecли oни пpoтивopeчaт cигнaлaм cвeтoфopa, тpeбoвaниям дopoжных знaкoв или paзмeтки.

B cлyчae ecли знaчeния cигнaлoв cвeтoфopa пpoтивopeчaт тpeбoвaниям дopoжных знaкoв пpиopитeтa, вoдитeли дoлжны pyкoвoдcтвoвaтьcя cигнaлaми cвeтoфopa.

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OK listen up you no drivers license having carlet dickheads.

1. Both have a green light so we can ignore the lights.
2. The upside down triangle is a yield sign, the car has it, the bus does not.
3. The road the bus is coming from and is going to has the tilted yellow square sign meaning its a main road. Mostly but not always, this means that roads connecting to it has to yield.
4. The road the car is coming from has a sign explaining that in this intersection there is a main and a secondary road connecting.

You could argue that the bus should yield to the car because it crosses the cars path but remember that in traffic it goes; Policeman > Traffic lights > Traffic signs > Traffic rules.

tl;dr bus goes first

now shut the fuck up :)

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the migrantmobile goes first because it's less white than the car

the bussy goes first because of the sign

>Yield sign + Priority road sign
>Public Transport
The bus has like, a triple priority over the car on that pic lmao

fuck i got trolled. the signs only have something to say when the lights are off. the bussy has to wait