Americans think eating only bacon, eggs and sausages is a healthy diet. They call it "keto" and it's very popular

Americans think eating only bacon, eggs and sausages is a healthy diet. They call it "keto" and it's very popular.

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>let me tell you about your country

guns bad hahaha am i right lol

I only eat oats and whey with two multivitamins a day because of inflation

I would like to give my sincerest thanks to all the people that studied chemistry to be able to make powdered protein taste like chocolate cake

Does this even work?

I don’t know, i guess i will see in a year if i die because of missing half the needed vitamins to survive lol

TIL: "Pizza is a Vegetable" is a meme

Bro you've found a tree full of low hanging fruit and you're grasping at an empty branch. At least people who do keto aren't the normal hambeast carb fiends who eat 20 times a day.

>eating vegetables is a criminal offense in 27 American states

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Well that kind of diet could induce ketosis but that's not what a proper keto diet is supposed to look like

how the fuck does literally anything in your body even work when you aren't even eating any fats to absorbe the viatmins in the muti-vitamin?

replace bacon with mushrooms and onions cooked in avocado oil along with the sausage and eggs and yea that's what i've had for every meal for a few days now.

keto works

t. from 260 lbs to 145 lbs in one year

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I’ve thought about buying some fish oil capsules but idk, they’re kinda pricey

That sounds harsh man. What's your weight like?

I'm not even religious but I joined a church just so i can pray for your arteries

that shit finna clog

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I guess you mean breakfast. Nothing wrong with this, nutrition is all fake anyway aside from the obvious common sense stuff. What do you eat?

No they dont.

Proteins from eggs probably aren’t that bad, but what I don’t understand is how the fuck they can eat all that saturated animal fat and think it’s good for you. I would have constant diarrhoea if I ate nothing but meat for more than a week. Need some fiber in your diet.

It's good if you have a diet that's missing some of them, otherwise not really worth it.
t. takes multivitamins because the American diet lacks veggies.

>but what I don’t understand is how the fuck they can eat all that saturated animal fat and think it’s good for you
I would bet serious money that eating nothing but meat > more healthy than veganism. Of course you need your meat AND veg but if you were forced to choose one, should be obvious.