Did you ever wear braces in your life?

Did you ever wear braces in your life?

I did and it was the worst thing that has been done to me in my life ever, I have less teeth than a 60 year old now

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My teeth werent crooked enough so i didnt get them they turned straight enough anyway

Yeah. My teeth we're that bad before getting them but it's the thing to do in America so my parents had me get them

NAh, I'm 22 and have crooked teeth. When I was younger people used to advice me to get braces, but I never did because I was poor. Now I feel like I've grown into my teeth and getting braces would be a huge blow to the insecurities it took me years to get over.


I'm wearing them right now but not for my teeth, but to fix my fucked jawline

My brother (who is 18) has had them for fucking years. Probably 4 or 5 years now. He never brushes, never flosses, grits his teeth violently when he sleeps so it looks like he has 1/3 of a front tooth. I don't know why he's had them on for so long, but I think they're just gouging him for money.

>the worst thing that has been done to me in my life ever, I have less teeth than a 60 year old now
what? how can braces cause that?
I never got braces but I always felt I missed out on perfect teeth

Straightening your teeth is usually pointless.
The shape of your teeth is very individual and adds character. Very rarely crooked teeth are actually ugly

Yes, they also got rid of 4 teeth for some reason but the braces never filled in the gap with is super annoying when eating like things that can get stuck inbetween. Didnt think I needed them either desu. My teeth were fine before.

I had 4 premolars extracted. I don’t know why this is still legal. I can barely chew hard food let alone breathe properly. I want to get treatment to reverse it and it’s going to cost 20-25 thousand euros.

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No, the dentist told my mom its was absolutely imperative that I get braces because my teeth were fucked up. My mom said hell no because it was extremely expensive and she didnt think my teeth looked bad. Turns out as I grew up they grew in fine and now I have nice straight teeth. Turns out most doctors and dentists are scum trying to make a quick buck. Thanks mom

Wish my country had universal dental care. The prices are literally US-tier when it's in your mouth.

yeah, I had a few congenitally missing teeth so braces were necessary to make space for the implants.

Welcome to the club. We got robbed from a healthy set of teeth.

I wear braces right now. And I didn't have to remove them.

X-ray of me when I was like 13 years old before puberty kicked in. My profile is definetly more recessed now and my nose is crooked. All thanks to my Arab orthodontist who I will propably strangle the next time i see him

I have spineless parents who just say yes to everything a “doctor” says. Orthos aren’t doctors and CANT BE TRUSTED.

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Doctors can't be trusted period

Usually, when you have crowded teeth, they have to remove some of them in order to put the braces.

The reason why I wear braces is because Im biting my front teeth off with my bottom teeth.
The front teeth at the bottom were also a bit in front of each other. But that's gone now. They are now side by side.
Soon my braces can go out, and he's going to restore the broken off parts of my front teeth.

I never really cared for it, because I thought it didn't look bad. My it was my dentists idea. Because I basically had a couple of stairs on the back of my front teeth from putting my teeth there.

The orthodontist said my jaw was perfectly symmetric before we began lol.

I had metal braces, and while most of the work was done after a year, the retards kept them in for 3 more because "overbite". They seemingly couldn't
understand the concept that I bite differently when biting or chewing, and that I don't bite down when I'm not eating

I did because my teeth were horrible. I always had to put in those rubber bands, up to 5 at the same time for 2 years and now my teeth are perfect. I went through a lot of pain, but it paid off in the end

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That’s total bullshit and not true. I’d rather get orthognathic surgery than go through premolar extraction again. Its the most disgusting look ever. The feeling of killing your bone structure in order to have straight teeth is the most painful shit I ever went through. My teeth aren’t even straight and I have an overbite now.

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Yes and I also regret it. Kinda fucked up my face.

What the fuck?? How do you even chew, only with the front most teeth?

braces are a scam. They can straighten your teeth at the cost of FUCKING your jaw, nose and bonse structure.
Completely not worth it. You should be addressing the jaw issues so the face isn't so narrow and short to begin with.

My lower teeth are somewhat crooked, when I went to the orthodontist they told me that they needed to extract 4 teeth in order to put the braces on, I would rather die than have more teeths removed from my mouth.

I think they like the reason my jaw is constantly tense these days

I can’t really chew. I only eat soft food.

Is it possible to unfuck you face after braces if you didn't get any extractions?

How would braces affect the nose? (or anything beyond the jaw for that matter)