How offensive is this to italians?

how offensive is this to italians?

Attached: 1655639069674.webm (406x720, 2.94M)

fat people are fucking disgusting

why does he eat like a pig?

There is literally nothing wrong with putting that much cheese on pasta.

Shits half sawdust

Extra fibre to counteract the constipative effects of all that cheese.

Attached: fat feel wojak taking notes.jpg (1057x844, 103K)

He's Canadian.

At that point you're not even tasting the flavors of the pasta.

Pasta is bland cheese is good shit
Gonna eat a block of parmesan rn

And yet white people have the nerve to call out Indians


indians eat with their bare hands and also wipe their asses with their bare hands

That finely grated Parmesan cheese has to be like 20% salt. I’m in absolute awe he can eat that much without having heart problems.

Look at how flushed he is.
Dude's heart is a lump of fat.

I don't really give a shit

he is taking that joke too long, that was very bad for his health

Slavic of British?


wow this is actually revolting

That guy is going to have a hard time next time he tries to shit
thats a lot of cheese he is going to get constipated

parmesan is mostly salt

>its another lol italians get offended by food
you have the humor of a twitter user