I want to be pretty edition

I want to be pretty edition

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안녕하세요. No coomer edition? Weird

I am not degenerate coomer like mainland posters.

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>no coomer.jpg
>no frens participated

The Korean Shin-chan impression was pretty funny, specially the ho-hoí at the beginning

thank you

데쓰 투 쿠머 페것츠

I missed it yesterday and now the vocaroo's expired

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how could u.. i had to remove it with shame

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I went to the hospital today and there was a guy named 'Tran Ni' on the reception list lmao
Probably he must be Vietnamese? Or maybe Chinese. I don't even have an idea. I think I get to see more and more foreigners these days.

My ethnostate....

>I went to the hospital today
don't destroy yourself

And I just finished watching the first half of season 6 of BCS.
Now I fucking despise Kim and Jimmy. They are less than a human.

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What's this about

stop watching american shit

Is uk healthcare bad?

I also watched one of your TV series called black mirror and it was mindbreaking. Great job.


I'm hooked on Raised by Wolves
The philosophy is interesting

Tran makes me think Viet, but Idk what Ni is supposed to stand for
We arr rook same, there's not much difference here weeb

They look as different as frenchmen are to somalians THOUGH

you don't

do brits love peaky blinders?