Why are French people so rude?

Why are French people so rude?

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That's my post.
Tourists are lucky they get to walk away with just the Parisian cold shoulder because they genuinely deserve to die.


Enjoy your nigger swamped city lol

Uno beero porfavore lass an I'll have a plate of chips too, chop chop frog

Do you muslims drink alcohol now, Shamir?

In a few years when most of their population is of arabs and nafris, it's going to get better because these are people who actually value hospitality.
And you cant even say that the country will smell worse! Truly a win-win situation.

meanwhile, in reality

I never interact with locals when i'm in a foreign country.
I never bother learning language too i just point to whatever menu thing i like and say "Oui" or "no" when they ask if i want something else

You aren't even white

So there we have a perfect example showing why your post about the French and their "superior manners" is utter shit. Your countrymen are below those of your neighboring countries and always have been.
Stick to threads about cheese and wine, nobody cares what the French think about any other subject.

he's right

sorry did I make this thread?
besides yeah we are better mannered than the brits, the dutch, and the germans, at least we don't get drunk, start fights against the police an jump off balconies in benidorm
british tourists and expats in france are actually okay, but it's like you specifically choose the most subhuman of your kind to send on vacation in spain and other places in the mediterranean

>greet the locals in their tongur before switching to english
I dont know how brown one would need to be to appreciate someone saying one word in your language
Go back to africa e-gypsy
Do you need constant anal rape, fatima?

Dont speak about people who are racially superior to you, dago

vittu perkele

You really are a shameless fucking whore
Also dont speak finnish at a germanic fennoswede, it is insulting

>racially superior
honestly hope you're not referring to yourself here, one village in france has contributed more to humanity than the entirety of finland

ei kiitos

They are propably just arrogant.

Looks really lame. Why is it so silent?

they were abroad so they kept it relatively civil

kys cunt

Quite boring don't you think?

He’s right&based. I feel him too.

trust me it wasn't boring at all in france itself


zitto animale

Suck my nads Mohammed

The French are just like us where they criticize tourists and white people while allowing non-whites to do whatever they want. Pretty based

honestly he's not wrong
I'm getting real tired of being tolerant towards people who don't have any damn manners. Thing is that the local tolerance police would pull my tongue out through my asshole if I ever told a brown dude to "fuck off" for being rude.

chinese tourists also get a lot of shit, but you're right in that browns and blacks are a protected species

This, AT THE VERY LEAST they should use a translator, I've helped various tourists but I don't like they assume you know english and they get bothered because most people don't.

Thats so unfair, we've yet to even discover stds here

right, but Finnish heritage disease though... so much for being racially superior