Hi Any Forums

Hi Any Forums

Im Indian but i dont want to associate with this country because its full of genocidal religious fanatics that want to wipe away my community.

What other ethnic group can i pass as?

Attached: Screenshot_20220613-005238_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 311.29K)

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Black if you're dark enough, otherwise go for Iranian.

Can I pass as a Bangladeshi?

Attached: Screenshot_20220614-224017_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 407.89K)

Just become a paki you are already one in our eyes. Just fuck off.

Why should i become a paki?
My ancestors come from a part of land thats now called india.
Its the government who ignores the poverty, street shitting and get people to vote for them using the divide and conquer narrative by inciting consistent genocidal rhetoric.
No everyone in india is a idol worshipper

If you're any paler than this and taller than 5'3" you would not pass. Nice face app btw.
How do you know they are not a Hindu fed up with mullah chimpouts?

Attached: 1655673767625.jpg (3104x3104, 1.74M)

Im not using any faceapp.

This is an actual picture of me.
Also im sikh, not hindu.
Im tired of the constant attacks on my faith and the men who proudly wear their turbans.
Alot of religious minorities are embarrassed to associate as Indian now.

Attached: AirBrush_20220617004347.jpg (720x1280, 403.82K)

>Stealing some poor girl's photos to live out a fantasy
What a sad existence.

I think I know who you are...

Attached: pajeetaanon.jpg (1080x2220, 935.33K)

Indians are really fucked in the head christ...

Saw this schizo on /soc/ like 3 years ago making threads like this lol

Wtf is going on here

BTW Britjeet do you know anything about Gamma Matrices? They're teaching us Nuclear Particle Physics without teaching the math needed to study it and I'm pulling my hair out going through the problems, I have a midterm exam on this on the 3rd. pls help.
Thats Britjeet, our resident Nuclear Physicist and soyjak enthusiast. He's a schizophrenic and larps as many different people.

Who am i?

A guy pretending to be a girl?

Attached: Img7272.jpg (720x1480, 348.1K)

Yeah, a funny Punjabi dude from a city in the west midlands who soy duels people and helped me with my coursework a year back, thanx again btw.

Attached: волкxэмпертон.png (480x640, 74.13K)

How much Sikhs differ from Hindus and how much bullied you people are? Just like the Muslims?
Sure I have a general notion about the difference of biliefs, but some weeks ago an Indian user claimed you guys are not that different, with the same religious extremity and that sikh being discriminated is a meme. Also how one become a sikh?

Hello sar, my name is Puneet but we are NOT pajeets. We are Sikh and bro-tier. Please like me sar, did you know we hand out free food haha. I pray for my Muslim brothers in India. Ah, Sikhs in Pakistan? Who cares. By the way we are also bro-tier haha and Punjabi

Wait is this bossman jeet or schizo jeet? Also I thought you were a poojabi?

They live in one of the richest states in India. Only people who are even close to oppressed in India are the tribals and Chinks in North east.

>How much Sikhs differ from Hindus and how much bullied you people are

start reading. You'll also need some background on this but this is a decent place to start


Interesting, never read too deep in it. And can a low cast person "dodge" it's karma by becoming a sikh or something else, I know that by the religous logic it wouldn't work,but i hope you get what I mean, or they don't allow it and a Dalit in India is a "Dalot" for ever other Hindu based religious? I would guess minus Buddhism.

No one in India treats Sikhs differently but Sikhs abroad are fucking insane particularly those in Canada