Its fucking over

its fucking over

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>melting pot
germxn folx are turning into mutts... SAD!

Yeah they did that here and it is having the opposite effect they wanted. Lots of muslims bailing on islam.
>wait she was that old?

Nazis want to gay them up

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Just look at the time!

Absolutely based. The future is Muslim

So now they act like tyrone mutual and skeeter


Tyrone mutual?
Tyrone is an Irish name.

>melting pot
oh no no no hahaha

Nah Germany is very Nazi. Many Germans, for instance, after the terror attacks by ISIS, didn't question what the German military did in Afghanistan and just assumed Muslims hate German freedoms. They are just pretending to be tolerant, honest.

Pretending to be tolerant doesn’t change demographics

>Question 1: How old was Aisha when when m*hammed had steamy sex with her?

"german freedoms" sounds alot like american freedom to be sluts coomers and misceginators

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you can choose between christian/islam/ethics lessons usually. This isn't something new

Islam on the rise in Europe. Surely this will result in no anti-Jewish hate crimes hahaha unless…

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>For the first time, German public schools are offering classes in Islam to primary school students using state-trained teachers and specially written textbooks, as officials try to better integrate the nation’s large Muslim minority and counter the growing influence of radical religious thinking.
>The Hesse curriculum effectively places Islamic instruction on equal footing with similarly state-approved ethics training in the Protestant and Catholic faiths. By offering young Muslims a basic introduction to Islam as early as first grade, emphasizing its teachings on tolerance and acceptance, the authorities hope to inoculate young people against more extreme religious views while also signaling state acceptance of their faith.
>One answer, officials in Hesse hope, is being put in effect in classes where young children are guided by a state-trained teacher working from a state-approved curriculum.
>For many teachers, German officials and, not least, Germany’s Muslims, wider instruction in Islam is a belated effort to redress decades of exclusion from the mainstream. Those years of marginalization, they say, meant many of Germany’s Muslims learned their faith by rote teaching at Quran schools, or from the hard-line musings over the Internet or in the courtyard mosques of immigrant neighborhoods in major cities like Hamburg or Berlin.
>In the broadest terms, the curriculum in Hesse attempts to counter the strident proselytizing of more hard-line strains of Islam. But while offering instruction in Islam is part of the equal treatment craved by many of Germany’s Muslims, it is also no straightforward task in legalistic and federal Germany.
tl;dr: Lessons in Islam for muslim children provided by the state to keep the young out of the reach of online preachers.

When I was in Realschule (2007 - 2013) we cycled through every major religion - still there was a focus on christianity.

>brown filth everywhere
>75% tax rate
>miserable wages
>minuscule territory
>horrendous houses that are unnafordable

how do germs even live?


No wonder why private schools are successful.