Actually, it is your problem

Actually, it is your problem

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 14-36-04 Document (JPEG Image 1000 × 750 pixels).png (1000x750, 1.03M)

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Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 14-36-57 1_SUSIE-BONIFACE-INVESTIGATES-THE-LONDON-SEWERS-AT-WHITEHALL.jpg (JPEG Image 1200 × 900 pixels).png (1200x900, 2.23M)

Any Forumsoids can't cook
the only thing that gets through their drain is semen, which doesn't cause blockage

still would


I worked at my uncles butchers shop and I had to take this shit out of some drain hole and you have no idea about the STENCH

Nice looking hole, seems comfy enough to... You know...

this is not my house so no, it is not my problem

can't you just cover it in lye, wait until all the fat turns into soap, then dissolve

I can imagine, I already hate the smell of melted butter, thats probably way fucking worse
its your pipes

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 14-45-30 _115113593_mediaitem115113592.jpg (JPEG Image 976 × 750 pixels).png (976x750, 1.14M)

literally not my problem

this, just pour some alkaline solution in there and problems weren't

White girl post-BBC

I had a nightmare once where i was lost in sewers and the filth was slowly rising up until i'd drown in it. Fuck sewers.

no they arent
they are the cities pipes
and i pay a lot of taxes for them to maintain it


and you want to pay more?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 14-53-08 london-fatberg-autopsy-drugs.jpg (WEBP Image 1200 × 900 pixels).png (1200x900, 1.79M)

>boil hot water
>put 3dl mr.muscle fat solver
>pipes are clean
not my problem

White hole absolutely built for BBC

im sure theres atleast one fatberg in sweden.

Where did you get a picture of my arteries?

i don't eat meat. simple as

will not work

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 14-58-07 _99174587_fatberg1.jpg (JPEG Image 976 × 976 pixels) — Scaled (97%).png (955x955, 1.73M)

Attached: 356745766.gif (400x400, 1.4M)

>Move elsewhere
Not my problem

Attached: 1649122521271.png (599x234, 142.47K)

Isn't there some anti-fatberg squad with professional equipment to deal with this stuff?

there is, but some of them are absolutely massive, the biggest one that was ever seen was the length of the tower bridge of london and the height of a jumbo jet

>posting fatbergs from england
Sorry we don't really have this problem because we don't eat greasy shit like those island apes.