Do subhumans in the west unironically eat poison like blue cheese?

do subhumans in the west unironically eat poison like blue cheese?
I thought I should try some real cheese instead of the burger "cheese" and pizza mozarella so I got some blue cheese and by god the smell was enough to kill the incredible hulk once i opened the vaccum sealed packaging especially when I got some and experimented it by melting it on stove, same with the taste, disgusting. it smelled like teenage smegma times 10

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Too spicy for you OP?

You clearly know very well the taste and smell of teenage smegma.

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Stop larping amerimutt

Blue cheese taste good.
I still contend that the best fry condiment is blue cheese dressing (Pretty much mayo/buttermilk with blue cheese in it)

yeah i ate that 2 times last weeks also had aboud 15 snails yesterday


blue cheese on homemade burgers

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brown pipo be like

this mold is too spicy for me

daily fun finnish fact!!!!
finns eat the most blue cheese in the world

It's meme food not spam

childhoon smegsandwich memories
you are fr*nch
nothing more expected from korean kokroach
sanest belgium resident

how do you handle the smell?
no wonder why finns are depressed

Dogs in France have more rights than muslims.

brown people be like this cheese to spicy for me

>brownpypo be like: this food has too much flavour for me!

It tastes good you dumb araboid. You don't know what good food is but on the other hand tf you even eat there? Sand? Bodily fluids?

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and muslims have more rights than the french in France, your point?

>it smelled like teenage smegma times 10
kek it rlly does
If you use small amounts it goes really well with meats though, I like it with sausage and steak

>substituting actual spices and flavors with vomit smelled moldy cheese
>claims to be civilized
Do muslims really drink this!?

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Mohammed would have loved it

blue cheese dressing is good. i would drink it sometimes

non-whites be like "this smelly mold is too flavorful"


blue cheese INSIDE homemade burgers

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