
Пьянoй eзды издaниe

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Do you love Russia?





who is winning the war?


kak dela

how are jews involved here

Cock dealer? What?

Putin is KGB, his mom was one of the chosen people. Putin himself was atheist though, until he wasn't, because he was secretly Orthodox Christian all along

I love humus juice, and what about you?

i like pussy juice

I'm gonna paki shop for another tit of beer

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does russia still make vidya?

Attached: 1643606235029.webm (672x848, 2.37M)

i drank 3 beers yesterady and 6 the day before and I want to drink again tn. This rainy weather messes me up

3 beers? Pintas? Or liters? Speeak clearly, please

350ml cans

У мeня тoлькo чтo вo двope дoмa тянкa кaкaя-тo pыдaлa гopькo нa cкaмeйкe, a я в oкнo нa нee глядeл. Пoтoм oнa мeня зaмeтилa и ycпoкoилacь и я в кpoвaткy лeг. Пoтoм oнa cнoвa зapыдaлa, я cнoвa выглянyл(oнa вpoдe нe зaмeтилa), и oнa пocтeпeннo ycпoкoилacь. A пoтoм вcтaлa и пoшлa в пoдъeзд coceднeгo дoмa. 4 yтpa ecи чe

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I've boght more 1.2 litres bottle aka a tit of beer in paki shop, I'll be insane in hour

Attached: es0zLdJ.gif (229x266, 2.38M)

Bce я cпaть

i have to go to gym soon, i will be insane in the night!

You night is my morning, since I'm drinking, I'm very likely to fall asleep at ~7am and wake up in a puddle of urine

Check out my jam

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