I wish my country had being conquered by the British

instead we got... well... lets say something not quite as good. Does this happen in your ex-colony country?

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If it was the British they would have wiped out all the natives instead of sexing them. So you’d either not exist or you’d be Anglo

>If it was the British they would have wiped out all the natives instead of sexing them

okay and? we would be rich and anglo

>So you’d either not exist or you’d be Anglo
that doesn't matter that much in the large scheme of things

Don't you latinxos have something else to talk about? All you do is talk about Spain and colonies and whatnot all day
Jesus christ

>Don't you latinxos have something else to talk about? All you do is talk about Spain and colonies and whatnot all day
>Jesus christ

sir this is a british/anglo appreciation thread, please stay on topic

I'm sure you'd have enjoyed being a gaping shithole like India

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What mental illness is this?

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T. Ex-soviet sector aka poorest region of austria

Mexicos problems seem related to the crazy sacrificing aztec peoples it was built on

What do you mean "ex-soviet"?

India is better than Mexico unironically


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We are both fellow thirdies. Only difference is that you have a cartel problem and more brutality.

Bullshit, do your research. This country is way worse than Mexico. Just because you've some cartel problems in some parts of the country doesn't make it as bad as India.

India will be like a second China by the 2050s and Mexico will always be America's bitch

Pinche pocho

Our browns know how to use the toilet.

>Mexico will always be America's bitch
Si a ti te encanta asi pinche Tenoch

Not sure I’ve ever seen two third world countries argue about which one is worse.

You think about it too much, it doesn't matter who's whose bitch, the real important things are clean roads, liveable cities, ample jobs and healthy societies.

This, India ROCKS Mexico SUCKS

Wtf I didn't know about that.
It lasted 1945 - 1955, right?

>okay and? we would be rich and anglo
oh is that how it works? So "you" is just the theoretical people who would live in the area of Mexico?

Yes, Duh dumbasss