Why do Spaniards love streaming/youtube and other media platforms? Are they all neets over there?

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Imagine being the only rich kid in the club and spending your time playing games no one else can play, you would be the most popular kid and everyone would be watching you.
That's what basically happens with Spain and Latin America. We just have a very large audience.

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>implying Spain is poor
Found the gypsy creature

Lol, fucking losers
Brazilians stream to other lusophones, we don't watch the portuguese or Africans

On average there are more Spaniards that can afford to be successful streamers. They can afford better computers, more games, a better connection, and the risk that comes with having an untraditional job.

The only spanish i watch is kira sensei he makes me laugh

You can’t read, he literally said the opposite

Oh ok. Not my first language sorry

ey muybuenas a todosss guaapisimos aqui vegettaa setecientos setenta y siete con un gameplay en directo, de apocalipsis minecraft, y estamos aqui con willy...

This is the Spanish equivalent of that 4 year old who told his parents to like and subscribe when going to bed

nose yo vi un capitulo de apocalipsis minecraft 2 hace poco y sigue igual de bueno, nuncva vi nada de ellos pasado la 3ra temporada

Cause no

eeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy muy buenas a todossssssssssssssssss guaaaaaapisimoosssss aquiiiiii vegetaaaasetecientosetentaysete enunnuevodirectooooo

This happened to me but in my neighbourhood

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Speak for yourself zoomer

tu generación hablará con nuestro acento y modismos

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This is the same everywhere and with english speaking streamers too, not just spanish

pero si los españoles ahora dicen facha, mina, pibe, funar y mas palabras que nada que ver

facha siempre se dijo. Del resto solo escuché pibe una vez.

no, uno aca habla como español cuando quiere dar verguenza ajena a proposito, porque todos saben que lso que agarran esos modismos song gordos autistas que se quedan viendo vidios de minecraft

Todo siempre empieza de forma irónica, a ver como va dentro de 10 años.
Facha siempre se dijo. Solo escuché "pibe" una vez.

Me gustan mucho los youtubers españoles porque me ayudaron con mi español. Pero hoy en día intento leer libros y ver documentales porque me tengo que mejorar.

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MeriStation created a massive scene of nerds who couldn't shut the fuck up, the fact that everyone could review games helped a lot, indirectly becoming a massive source of youtubers and streamers that are still relevant to this day (even though the OG site died ages ago)

Attached: meristation.com[1].jpg (795x634, 168.77K)

>>Todo siempre empieza de forma irónica, a ver como va dentro de 10 años.
eso ya era hace 10 años, ahora a lo mucho se escuchan modismos congolomvianos o venecos, si alguien empieza a hablar con modismos españoles aca se van a reir

Pvra alma...