Do 23 years old virgins exist in your country?

Do 23 years old virgins exist in your country?

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Yes. Do fat young women exist your country?

huh yes?

I know a spastic sperg that his virginity at 25. Relationship only lasted few months tho and was one and only girlfriend

i want to not exist as a virgin in my country

Uh, you know, human males aren't anatomically virgins.

>23 year old virgin

Literally me

Me 3 years ago

A female friend told me that you shouldn't form a relationship with people who are virgins beyond the age of 28 because there's something wrong with them.

I'm 36 and ive never even hugged a girl that wasnt related to me

15% of North American males between 20-25 are virgins. The surveys are from 2013, so the current number is probably closer to 20%.

me in 6 months

yes. I popped my cherry at 23.

Also what the fuck kinda class is this

Attached: what.png (710x188, 45.26K)

based thot perpetuating mass shootings in the developed world

I was one

Yeah. I was one. Now Im 29 year old kissless virgin.

no, not anymore. I am older than that

I had sex one time when I was 16.

I'm glad I got that out of my system instead of moping about it for my whole adult life.

No, shagged a hooker at 18 cause I didn't manage to get laid before, then fucked an ugly broad at age 19 (got chlamydia from her) and had my first relationship-like thing in 2020. Also fucked dozens of hookers (got weird balanitis now though)
Still want to kms myself every day because other people manage to find GFs and I don't
tldr just fuck a hooker

Name one (x^0) country in which they don't
Male virginity is neurological

No anymore because i'm 25 years old and the only incel in my country