Is women's virtue protected in your cunt?

is women's virtue protected in your cunt?

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>Yeah I'm here to pick up Ashley. Your girl has a nice set of feet there

>this man comes
What happens next?

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We always had a culture of women telling everything, but they are qts so you can't blaim us

the guns are way too threatening and psychopathic. all you need to do is demonstrate that you're high test and that you exist for the guy to get the hint.

Women have no virtue

There's a picture of some dad pointing his AR-15 jokingly at his daughters black bull. I assume a lot of frustration hidden behind humor will ensue

Uncle, Dad and brother say in unison: She was made for you.

>needing a gun to intimidate a 18 year old kid
Modern "men" are pathetic

The pro gun cult loves an opportunity to pose with their guns.

Statistics show that if those guns do end up killing someone, it will most likely be her that is killed, rather than an evil intruder. The pro gun cult does not care. They are far too stupid, too evil, too convinced of their own infallibility. They love the idea of murdering a "bad guy" but they will settle for murdering their own children or a classroom full of other people's children in the meantime.


>Pro gun cult murder and maim tens of thousands of innocent people every year (such that guns are the leading cause of death for actual children)
>But normal people horrified by the actions of the pro gun cult are the ones who need to medicated
Hmmmmm nope.

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Those statistics are born from niggers killing they baby mamas

She's still gonna get railed so that's just an exercise in patriarchal impotence

>I have guns and I post about them on facebook you better be very careful with my daughter young man

This. Any skinny ass bitch can seem threatening with a gun, even if it's some malnourished hood rat nigger or some pasty ass fat autist. It's an equalizer that gives men with no balls a set of artificial ones.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes I forgot that only the Black members of the pro gun cult murder people. Oh wait, nope. White pro gun cult members murder. Latine pro gun cult members murder. Even Asian pro gun cult members murder (Taiwanese church shooting, anyone?)

And I LOVE how you try to say "only mothers are being murdered" to absolve your evil blood soaked
cult. Only a pro gun cult schizo would think "only mothers are being murdered" is absolving in the slightest. Women deserve better.

The real question here is are they trying to say "don't rape her or I will shoot you" or "don't have consensual sex with her or I will shoot you". If it's the latter then these are subhuman retards. If she wants to do it, it's going to happen anyway pretty soon. She pretty much has all the power here, it's just silly to make the guy responsible (if he doesn't do it, another one will). Better to let her do it with clean cut boys you've checked out than see who she ends up with doing it in secret when she wants to stick it to her controlling dad.

If you need to protect her virtue, she's nothing to protect.

Aren't girls liked this more likely to be coalburners? Like those raging anti-christian feminists that grew up with a conservative christian education?

>And I LOVE how you try to say "only mothers are being murdered"
Take actual meds. It was in reference to your death by gun in the home shtick.
Also if you take away death by suicide these stats go down to near Switzerland levels across most of the US outside of places like chicongo or socal.
But I agree that women do deserve better. They too deserve a gun.

Coalburners only exist in moortugal

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Photoshop out two of the guys so it seems like she's from a really incestuous family

Yes. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you aggressively and preemptively treat your kids like that are at risk for turning out a certain way, they're ultimately way more likely to turn out that way.

On the specific case of religion, I've seen it firsthand and can attest that it is true. I was raised as an atheist but I still have some scholarly appreciation for religion underneath my cheeky fedora tipping. It's only people I know who were raised religious that actually come out and say things like "religion is evil, fuck religion"

*kneels and offers the white daughter over to him*