Are Arab Christians discriminated in the Middle East?

Are Arab Christians discriminated in the Middle East?

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No shit.

Especially since America started swinging it's dick around

>I have never been to the Middle East so here's my opinion

Most of Arab nations have higher christian percentage than Japan's. If they are really discriminated, it must be American fault. Not because of muslims' culture.

They get murdered in the middle east.

They have to pay the cuck tax but still get attacked from time to time.

Just because you live in a newly added Middle Eastern nation doesn't mean you're the authority on it.


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There is a long history of Christians being massacred, deported, forcibly converted, or enslaved. It continues today, particularly in Africa.

Fucking based
Fuck off heretic

Do you visit the middle east often?I doubt it.


>First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people

Jihadists kill christians in the middle east and in africa christian persecution is on the rise because of boko haram

There are christians here in Medina, they’re doing just fine.

Heretic according to whom


According to me

Attached: giga orthodox 1.png (411x597, 112.27K)

The funniest thing is the same thing happened in Japan too. I guess Christians deserved to be massacred for most of people.

Thou shalt not inherit the Realm of Heaven apostate

No their not
Everyone who says something else doesn't know what he's talking about