What's happening in India right now?

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And they are asking for help because climate change is fucking them, lmao, they need to fix a lot of things

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we are?

Youths in Northern plains from where most of the military men are recruited are chimping because Mo*i has started a new scheme where people must take part in a 4 years something practice run in the army before only 25% them get their post cemented permanently

Probably just a shit journal, but you guys need to make better infrastructure or you will all die out in the extreme heat, maybe cut it out with that shitty caste system while you are at it, i'm an IT worker and you guys are pissing me off with that shit

Also clean that damn Gange, i saw those polluted pic

Theres no one that still believes youre a thai, streetshitter. Are you going to stop the taqiyya or do you need you cow shit eater throat slit first?

bump for a great religious civil war in india
gonna be fucking epic. Which side should i pick?

How long do you think you can live with your indian throat unslit, streetshitter?

pajeets being pajeets

It is 29°C & constant rain here right now there something called monsoon if you don't know, I legit have to use light blankets during night this seems to be generic British click bait shit

Such a sad state when random person in italy is more concerned than the fuckwits living in this hell

This latest chimping isn't religious in nature it's just youth mostly Hindu with some Muslims seething against the central government because they think government is fucking up defense job sector.....

My brother in christ, can't you just tell me to go eat pizza? You are a disgusting banana pizza eater too, go feel bad about yourself
Yeah, monsoon that could make you drown because they are getting more dangerous each passing year, there are parts of india with 50 celsius too

Here is the scheme :
Temporary 5 year military term for youth with okayish pay and benefits.

Some braindeads who aspire to join the army are chimping out that it might result in loss of permanent long term positions in army and muh no long term pension after i join muh govt spending more on tech and less on HR.

Locals tend to not care lol
The people in USA who got their water poisoned by a local company think its a hero

italy has it's problem but right now we are all competing with who will fuck up everything more

Locing the non-denial, rajeesh

Adding on to what the Swede said, it's far easier for an outsider to identify problems than it is for someone internally
It's why consultants exist

Ti sborro in bocca, razza di animale, non sono indiano e sono grato di essere italiano

>india with 50 celsius too
Nothing new

Theres a pajeet in dk that speaks danish too, he still spergs like a brown shit about modi or when india is being too nice to the wrong minorities

>people still feed the Finn troll

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Feeling bad about you guys
>when india is being too nice to the wrong minorities
Lmao, caste system am i right

In what ways did you experience caste system? I don't get it.

He was talking about muslims. Modi himself is a lower caste and lower caste are majority in India.

What exactly is wrong with the new scheme? The USA UK Canada do it too. It's BIMARU fucks burning down things because they're too poor to afford the new alternate recruitment scheme.

He's a western. He feels oppressed by things happening on the other side of the globe.

Indians treating each others like shit? I can't work with one indian that threat another like shit even if he has great ideas just because his surname mean he should be a low life or something, saw it even when going out eating something with a group of coworker, bullying each others, maybe subtly, but i felt it

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so theyre mad because the army doesnt have to keep people beyond 5 years anymore? how does it work do they become reservists after 5 years? do they need to get promotions to stay beyond 5 years?

>He feels oppressed
I never felt oppressed because i don't give a flying shit about people opinion about me, i just want to get my job done and get the fuck out