What are some quintessential thirdie experiences that sheltered firsties might not be aware of?

What are some quintessential thirdie experiences that sheltered firsties might not be aware of?

I genuinely had no idea how bad and constant the smell is.

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there is no smell to it, but when it burns its quite fun to watch

The fact that bathrooms feel dirty. In the first world bathrooms are meant to feel clean and safe. In third world places Ive lived a combination of factors make your bathroom a dirty feeling place. (Not talking about public toilets, home toilets.)

Hearing gunshots off in the distance at night when you're in or near shitty areas of town

Showering with a bucket, also no hot water

metal bars on windows and doors for safety

>What are some quintessential thirdie experiences that sheltered firsties might not be aware of?

Walled houses if you're middle/upper class. No not cute wooden fences on your lawn or yard, literal defensive walls. Bonus points if your walls are "dressed" with crushed glass, spikes, or barbed wire (pic related our home).

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Neither of these are true here

electric shower

This is the quintessential thirdie bathroom experience.

If you have seen this, you have experienced third world.

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Another example.

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Do you have guards? Cameras? How do you deal with snipers?

Nigga my water supply is scalding hot from the late morning. You can shower only at night or before 9 in the morning.

Yeah we're getting a CCTV cam after a break-in last week.

Also I have a gun a rinkydink 9mm 1911 copy.

I don't know how common this is in other cunts, but lots of "Menstrual delay" posters can be found in the city here. It really makes you think about the demand of those business.

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What is this? Why is it pink?

Apparently our water is not safe to drink for firsties. Not filtered enough.

He means the horrible paint layering over plaster which gives the walls rough and uneven bumps.

security guards on every entrances

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bad smell? gunshot? dirty bathrooms? metal bars on windows?
nah, you can avoid all the negative stereotypical thirdie things mentioned in this thread by simple staying away from big cities (anything with more than 10k pop.) and tourist centers.
now, you will notice you are in a third world country the moment you want to buy literally any tech, everything is overpriced and low quality.
also cars are 99% shitbox and "premium" shitbox, with and occasional pickup truck here and there.
services will not be 100% reliable, I have experienced like 10 electrical blackout this year alone.

TL;DR: everything is shit but also expensive