
Eagrán berserk

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cans lads?
I signed for a new job today
50k and wfh 3 days a week after probation

Congratulations, sure get pissed but why do we have to celebrate everything by drinking

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Because in about a week's time I can't get pissed every day

>ask dealer why the mushrooms he gave me don't have the Bord Bía quality mark
>get stabbed

is it also predicted to be the temperature of the 6th circle of hell (30c) tomorrow in Ireland?

>precipitation: 90%
Don't know which of us is worse off desu

Just found out a Puerto Rican dude who was college buddies with Valera served as a consultant in drafting the Irish constitution

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Absolutely. Sounds based. Well done

Chicken fillet roll.

So fucking what? Trans rights can seeth on with his anti CFR posts. Fuck off. ONREAL BAI

> keep struggling with your office job like a loser
Is that really the message in berserk?

I'll never stop posting about ONREAL jumbo breakfast rolls from mace and Centra. Trans rights can keep seething constantly that's fine with me

50k while only working 3 days a week? That's not bad. What field is it in?

iz cuz der 2 kwhalihee 4 board bea laaaaad sound like

Trans right is a fucking bitch


Is cearta daonna iad cearta clann mhíle!

>girls who's group work I had to keep correcting for spelling errors and non-sensical points get 1st class honours while I get second


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Gonna unionize my soul with the Monad and escape the cycle of death and rebirth brb

maybe youre just shit and shes smart