Want to move to another country

Want to move to another country.
Should i move to Canada or Japan?

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What are you going to do for a living?

IT, seem like one of the easiest job to go oversea

You are not cute

Build socialism in vietnam lazy bones.

stay out of japan filthy gaijin

probably Canada consider you seem to know the language, but why Canada almost every other English speaking country is better

Seem easier to get in, if you have any suggestions let me know.
Don't say US

In Japan you will be treated as an underclass slave with awful wages. Canada is probably the better option

Canada sucks ass but japan is probably harder to integrate into


I don't know about canada.
If you can speak english, probably Canada is good choice.
Is there reason to choose Japan?

A huge ass Vietnam population, huge need for IT workers increasing every years
Japanese is a pain to learn but it's not that hard. I can manage.
Also i'm a weeabo

>Is there reason to choose Japan?
the delusion that life will be like an anime and not horribly depressing and lonely

You have no idea what you're getting yourself into moving to either

Australia is better than both and closer

Please move to mexico and breed our women, please...

But i hate spiders.....
I don't want to get shot....

BTW, I'm also IT worker.
I think learning English is more easy.
And probably you can make more money in Canada.

It might be a bit harder to find work in Canada than Japan, but the pay and your quality of life will be higher so it's worth it

Seems like an awful idea if you want to have a life outside your job

The easiest is anything related to the medical sector. IT seems to be a bit difficult if you didn't go to school there but idk

Why shouldn't I move to Canada?
t. another SEAsian