Why do they hate Muslims and Middle Easterners so much?

Why do they hate Muslims and Middle Easterners so much?

Attached: turkey-map.jpg (1944x1440, 416.84K)

because they are based

Because they hate themselves and what they see in the mirror every morning. Worst inferiority complex on the planet.

How is it based to hate yourself? Turks hating Middle Easterners/Muslims is the same as Poles hating Slavs/Catholics.

I love Ataturk

no honey, turks are european and secular

Don't they have bad relations with every single one of their neighbours

Maybe in their dreams.

Except Azerbaijan. I think they have warmed up to Iran too.

You need to have your fingers broken

everyone hates low iq fundamentalist inbred retards

imagine sharing a border with isis

You will be brown and Middle Eastern till the day you die, regardless of your religious beliefs, Ahmed.

The term "brown" doesn't exist outside of your made-up country. Old World has ethnicities.
That being said, you need to have your fingers broken. One by one.

ehmm you mean light yellow?

why wouldn't they? they literally got backstabbed by arabs in ww1 to suck british cock

They don't hate us, we had an beneficial agreement not long ago.

That was Erdogan's. I'm talking about the average Turk population

Pretty sure they hate Syrians and Kurds more.

brown person moment

the most hate i see here coming are from americans, which is funny because you guys are more similar than different

both mutts
both low iq retards
both have your niggers (turks have the kurds)
both hate everybody and hated by everybody

what does the average american know about turkey anyway

Because of this based as fuck man.

Attached: 1637093527640.jpg (320x320, 14.1K)

Ataturk was a euroboo who forced the country to larp as western

You are all Arabs to them

Why do you care?

I'm curious