How badly is climate change affecting your country?

How badly is climate change affecting your country?

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>muh global cooling
>ugh it’s actually global warming
>well we call it climate change now
Fuck you and your environmental taxes libtards

It's not.

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this is why the government needs to give me a sick EV but not one of those 300km range shitboxes

still freezing cold in sweden so not "badly" enough.

>relevant, civilized part of the world is getting warmer each year
>"NOOOOOOO, my irrelevant shithole place of origin is getting cooooooold, the terminology has to be ambiguous enough to encompass both phenomena, NOOOOOOO!!!!1!
No one cares about what takes place in Mexico shitty, vpn thirdie. Seethe and cope.

Does it not usually snow in Mexico

“They” fucking said that the climate was getting colder in the 70s and then in the 90s they said it’s “global warming”. Fast forward since 2010s they stopped using that term for some obvious reasons

Smoothbrain tier:
>climate change is made up and false and all the scientific data is fake news
Slopehead tier:
>climate change is real and entirely caused by humans we need to change everything about how we live and eat bugs and sleep in pods the science is settled
Intellectual gentleman tier:
>climate change is real but humans have no influence on it just like we didn't in any of the ice ages or greenhouse ages

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I am convinced that this poster is the Brazilian shark schizo using a VPN.

It's made the petrol prices skyrocket, I fucking hate global warming
The V8 doesn't guzzle less gas because of the prices

damn dude, why don't you become a climate scientist?


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Can someone explain to me how chuds cry about industrial revolution being a disaster for humans race yet claim that climate change is not real

Do you expect attention seeking teenagers to have a consistent ideology?

This post is YouTube comment section tier and you should kys

You'd have to have literally no brain to think that millions of cars spitting out pollution emmissions daily for the last at least 50 years and industrial emmissions being released into the air daily around the world has had zero impact on the earth. You just can't have a brain and think that

What do you expect from anti-science mobs with inconsistent ideology?

To be fair, CDMXs flooding problems are caused to the draining of lake texcoco and has been a problem for decades, even centuries since the spanish started the draining process


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Yes I should buy a hybrid and eat maggot flakes to save the planet thanks for the suggestion my man.


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I guess is safe to say that we will finally be able to host the Winter Olympics

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So much of political and cultural rhetoric comes down to who is 'allowed' to say stupid shit and not have people jump down their throats for it. When right wingers cherry pick cases to say "where's your global warming now!" it's almost universally scoffed at and will even get a sketch made about it on Saturday Nigh Live, but left wingers are respected for making a huge deal out of these extreme outliers (that actually support the other side of the argument).

>anti-science mobs
the industrial revolution tore up farming communities, forced millions into wageslavery, chained us to corporations and caused a sedentary fat lazy nihilistic populace. That's why people cry about it, not 'muh CLIMATE CHANGERINO' you fucking moutbreather.

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