O say, can you see

>O say, can you see

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you don't have active shooter drills in greek schools?

Based american schools teaching shield formations to protect their students

i graduated high school in 2009 and we never had any drills like this. i wonder why so many shootings happened in the 2010's in particular.

Thank Christ good guys with guns are there to keep them safe.

Burgerpunk is cool.

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2010 was the start of end times unironically

>Bright orange
>Have to sit down and awkwardly hold it over you
I'm no school shooting expert but this seems counterproductive.

Mass shootings have been doubling every decade since the 60's, something deeply wrong with American society or the American conciousness is rearing its head.

I-is it time to have some fun?

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They're just as useless as the lockdown drills are, basically it's cope for the staff and students because they can't really do jack shit if a guy with a gun is marauding the halls.

>Americans shooting each other

great to see these kids are learning about Testudo, the Roman shield formation in history class, seems fun!

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Why not just run out from a window or some other exit? Why would you stay indoors with a shooter and trust your life to some orange cumrag

Our homicide rate dropped dramatically since the 60's. These big story high profile mass shootings weren't really a thing before Columbine. After those guys got famous it's just been copycats since. If there was a media blackout on these events they would start to dissipate. As it stands they represent like 0.1% of all homicide in the US.

>be outside in the open like pond ducks instead of hiding
silly suomi

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They're school shootings, once you're outside its just a regular shooting.

this problem could easily be solved by simply making armed security teams a part of the school staff. but then we would have to spend more than 3% of our annual budget on education.

>doesn't shoot back

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That school with all the spiclets that got shot didn't do this thats why so many died

>just turn schools into warzones
So this is the American dream huh.


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no but if faggot ass millennials and zoomers are not going to stop playing call of duty IRL, then we need to come up with a solution. how about instead of having a top secret aircraft testing range that you can be killed for trying to enter, we have school security?

>making armed security teams a part of the school staff

Do Americans seriously now realize how fucking incredibly fucked up this is? ยจ
The fact that your schools need any security at all is retarded.

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Public schools should be designed to raise the next generation of warriors. School shootings are part of this process.

funny how god didn't save the first guy the shooter killed, it being a church and all

that guy actually had his pistol out but he hesitated. shoot first, ask questions later.

What's more retarded is thinking the solution is to ignore it.
>hey we seem to live in a dangerous society, lets take precautions
>"um wow sweetie do you realize how bad that is? there are literally other countries that are safer than us, I just can't even. touch grass"

You would think so but we're going through normalization.

I am aware. God could have easily done something like make the shooter's gun jam to give the church goer a better chance, but he didn't. Lots of questions.

We can't wave a wand and make schizos disappear

How do americans cope with the good guys with guns waiting for an hour to stop a child murderer.

Did you hear their conservatives want to force teachers to carry guns?
Is that better or worse than soldiers patrolling the schools?

>It's a mental health problem.
No kidding.